~Diary 1~


The greatest magic in the world is true love. I should know. Not only am I a witch (or wizard if you prefer), but I am also married to my soul mate. My witch, Victoria, has not only given me her love but four incredible daughters. Each of my girls has her own special gift with the roots based in magic older and stronger than time itself.

And now the time has come for my enchanted daughters to find their soul mates. Although I would never tempt fate or interfere in my daughters’ lives, I see no harm in giving destiny a little help.

My oldest daughter is Abigail. Her gift is healing. Her heart is gentle and sensitive to anyone feeling the slightest bit of pain. She is also prone to being hurt easily and in the past this has caused me great distress. Her true love will hurt her before they can walk life’s path together.

My second oldest daughter is Catalina. Her gift is powerful and she has certainly earned her nickname "Cat”. She is sleek, headstrong and independent. Her true love is going to challenge her, infuriate her and finally tame her.

Next is my daughter Bailey. She is my performer and uses her magic to entertain. Show business has been good to her but it has also caused her to build walls around her heart. Her true love also has this problem. Together they will have to break down the barriers and find their true selves.

Lastly is my daughter Grace. Her gift is seeing. She is kind and loving even when frightened by some people’s thoughts. Her true love will frighten her with his coldness but her passion and love will be able to melt his heart.

There are four friends who have drifted apart. Each going his separate way and choosing his own destiny. But also avoiding the one thing they want most. For there is also great magic in music. And just maybe through family ties and a little magic, they can find their way back.


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