~Love Heals All Wounds - Part 1~

Abigail Connor felt his pain before he came into her shop and she knew she wouldn’t be able to turn him away. It was deep-rooted and more than just physical. When he stepped inside, he looked more like a lost puppy than a man.

“Can I help you?” Abigail asked already knowing the answer.

“Um…I don’t know.” He looked at her with shy brown eyes.

“My name is Abby Connor.” She smiled and held out her hand to him. “And this is my shop.”

“Peter Tork.” He took her hand and felt a warmness travel up his arm. And then he looked into her baby blue eyes. “I’m not really sure why I’m here. A friend told me to come.”

“You have pain.” She could feel it pulsing through his hand.

“How did you know?” He quickly snatched his hand away.

“It’s my job.” She smiled softly.

“Of course, I’m sorry.” He returned her smile. “I guess I’m a little edgy.”

“You haven’t been sleeping well either.” She could see the dark circles under his eyes. With only a touch, she could remove them, but knew that wouldn’t solve the problem.

“This is an interesting place you have here.” He looked around the shop. The shelves were full of bottles and jars. Lit candles placed around the room gave off the soft scent of vanilla and jasmine.

“Thank you.” She guided him over to the counter. “Would you like some tea? I just made it.”

“Yes, please.” He sat down on the stool next to the counter and took the cup she offered.

“Why don’t you tell me about the pain.” She sat across from him again already knowing where the physical pain was. As for the emotional pain, that would have to come from him.

“Mostly my stomach. The doctors say it’s an ulcer.” He sipped the tea. “They want to operate but I wanted to check out all my options first. That’s how I learned about you.” He found himself unable to stop looking into her eyes. They held such peace. “I know its silly, but I’m deathly afraid of going under the knife.”

“We all have fears, Mr. Tork.” She lightly covered his hand with her own. “There’s nothing silly about it.”

“Please call me Peter.” He looked down at their hands and felt that same rush of heat going up his arm. “Can you help me, Ms. Connor?”

“Yes Peter, and call me Abby.” She handed him a small jar full of a thick green liquid. “Take one teaspoon full before you go to sleep at night.”

“What is it?” He took the cap off and sniffed. “It smells sweet.”

“It’s a combination of herbs and flower nectar.” She then handed him a business card. “I want you to call me if the pain gets any worse. Any time, day or night.”

“Thank you.” He stuck the card in his pocket and then finished his tea. “I should go, I’ve already taken up too much of your time. How much do I owe you?”

“Don’t worry about that now.” She smiled. “I am happy to help.”

“Thank you again.” Peter walked towards the door but stopped and turned back towards her. “Good bye, Abby. I hope I see you again.”

Abigail felt her insides turn to mush as his brown eyes looked at her, almost looked inside her. “Good bye Peter.” She managed to get out and after he was gone, she continued, “Me too.”


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