~Love Heals All Wounds - Part 2~

Grace Connor, the youngest of the Connor witches, strolled into Abigail’s shop. “Hey Abby.” She called out walking up to the counter.

“Hey…” Abby sighed looking up from the mound of paperwork she was struggling with. “What’s up?”

“I thought we could go get some lunch.” Grace looked at her with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Its nothing.” Abby waved her hand.

“No, its something.” A slow smile crept across her face. “It’s a man!”

“Stay out of my head!” Abby ordered. “You know how much I hate it when you pry into my thoughts.”

“I didn’t have to pry, it’s written all over your face.” Grace leaned on the counter with her chin resting on her hands. “So, who is he?”

“He’s a client.” Abby answered. “Peter Tork.”

“Peter Tork of the Monkees?” Grace exclaimed.

“The what?”

“The Monkees.” She laughed. “They were a huge group a couple of years ago. You really need to listen to the radio every once in a while.”

“What happened to them?” Abby asked.

“They broke up. It’s rumored that Peter Tork took it hard and hasn’t been able to write a note of music since.” Grace explained. “He’s been practically a hermit since it happened.”

“Well, that would explain the ulcer.” Abby said to herself more than Grace.

“There’s more to this than just you helping some rock star with an ulcer.” Grace cupped Abby’s cheek. “You’re attracted to him.”

“That time you were prying!” She slapped her hand away. “And what if I am? Nothing can come from it anyway.”

“Why not?” Grace smiled.

“You know very well why not.” Abby glared at her. “I’m not going through that again.”

“Not every guy is like that, Abby.” She said soothingly. “Noah was a jackass and I wish you had let us turn him into one.”

“That wouldn’t have solved anything.” She stated. “And just how many guys have you told who and what you are?”

“When the right one comes along, I will tell him.” Grace replied simply.

“Yeah, well, I thought Noah was the right guy.” She sighed. “And I was wrong.”

“The right guy is out there for you. But you’ll never find him if you keep yourself locked away.” Grace walked around the counter and hugged her sister tightly.


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