~Love Heals All Wounds - Part 3~

Abigail sat in her car in Peter’s driveway and waited for the nervousness to pass. He had called her earlier that afternoon and asked her to come over than evening. Her first concern was his ulcer and that maybe the thick liquid she had given him wasn’t working. He reassured her that he was feeling well and had gotten more sleep in the week since he had seen her than he had in the past six months. Peter then explained that he wanted to thank her by making her dinner that evening. She agreed but as she sat there, she was having second thoughts.

“This is silly!” Abigail said to herself grabbing the door handle. “He’s a client and its only dinner.” She opened the car door and strutted up the sidewalk to the front door and knocked. As soon as the door opened, she felt her bones melting. The man standing before her looked like a completely different person than the one who had visited her shop. The dark circles under his eyes were gone, and his eyes, his incredible brown eyes, were full of light. “Hi…” She said shyly.

“Hi Abby! I’m so glad you could come.” Peter took her hands and gently pulled her inside.

“How are you feeling?” Although she could already tell, she wanted to here it from him.

“Better than I have in a long time.” Still holding her hands, he led her into the kitchen. “Its amazing, the pain is gone.”

“I can tell.” She smiled. “You look rested.”

“I am.” He took a bottle of wine out of the refrigerator. “Would you like some?”

“Please.” She leaned against the counter. “There is something I need to tell you.”

“What is it?” He poured two glasses of wine and handed her one.

“The medicine will take away the pain, but it won’t solve the problem of why you got the ulcer in the first place.” She explained. “And if you don’t solve that problem, the pain will return.”

“I guess I’ve been under a lot of stress lately.” He turned away from her towards the stove.

“My sister told me that you were in a band.” She watched the tension rise in his back.

“Yeah, I was.” He replied almost coldly.

“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” She wanted so much to take away the pain he was feeling.

“Later.” He turned back towards her and smiled. “Let’s eat first.”


“You’re a wonderful cook, Peter.” Abigail praised after taking the last bite off of her plate. They had dined on thick beef stew and homemade biscuits.

“Thank you.” He smiled. “I’ve had a lot of time on my hands lately and I was getting tired of peanut butter sandwiches.” He reached across the table and took her hand. “Why is it I feel that I can tell you anything?”

“Because you can.” She turned her hand over and linked their fingers. “I want to help you.”

“You are very special, Abby.” He looked into her eyes. “And you are becoming very special to me.”

“You don’t even know me.” She pulled her hand away. “And there are things about me you wouldn’t be able to accept.”

“I know all I need to know for now.” He reached out to play with the ends of her long blonde hair. “And everything else will come in time.”

“I wish I could believe that.” She said softly.

“You can.” He stood and walked around the table then knelt down in front of her. “I won’t hurt you, Abigail.”

Yes, you will, she thought to herself looking into his eyes. But she couldn’t help herself from leaning towards him. His lips touched hers and that deep primal need rose in her stomach and she knew there was no turning back now.


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