~Love Heals All Wounds - Part 4~

That one kiss started something that could only be described as wild fire. Peter picked Abigail up in his arms, his lips never leaving hers. He could feel the heat coming from her lips and going straight to his heart. He had never ached for a woman like this before. He carried her to his bedroom and gently set her down in the middle of the bed. Lying down beside her, he gently brushed the hair out of her face. “You’re so beautiful, Abby. So kind and gentle.” He kissed both of her cheeks. “You memorize me.”

Abigail wrapped her arms around his neck bringing his mouth down to hers. “Make love to me, Peter.” Her voice was thick with desire as she tangled her fingers in his silky hair.

Her skin was so warm when he touched her, removing her clothes slowly. She laid on the bed naked and writhing from his touch, her body seeming to glow in the soft light coming from the lamp on the bedside table. Her hair was spilled across the pillow. He cupped her face and brought her lips to his, kissing them softly at first and then growing hungry, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip.

She moaned into his mouth. Pulling his tee shirt off over his head, she ran her fingers down his spine. Electrified shivers coursed through his body. He took her mouth again, their tongues entwining, his hands tangling in her hair and her hands pushing his jeans off.

He ran his hand down over the swell of her breasts; the flat of her stomach and then lower finding her wet and open to him. Stroking her with nimble fingers, she arched against his hand and went over the edge. When she opened her eyes to look at them, they had turned a deep rich blue. “I need you.” She moaned, her hands pulling him down to her.

He pushed into her slowly, his body wanting to take and possess her but his heart urged him to be gentle and loving. With every stroke, he felt himself being drawn further into her, and not just her body, but her heart. With every stroke, he was falling deeper in love with her.

She arched under him, her legs wrapping around him holding him tightly. And as she opened her eyes and looked into his, she knew that she couldn’t deny the love she was feeling for him. Together they drove each other higher and higher, until the ultimate climax could not longer be denied and their fluids flooded together like hot molten lava.


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