~Love Heals All Wounds - Part 5~

Music woke Abigail up early the next morning. It was still dark outside as she snuggled under the blankets to listen. It seemed to be flowing through the entire house and directly into her heart.

She got out of bed and wrapped the sheet around herself. She had to know where it was coming from. She found Peter at the piano in the living room, his fingers dancing over the keys. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, letting the sweet sounds engulf her.

When Peter finished the song, Abigail slowly opened her eyes. “That was beautiful.” She said softly, silent tears rolling down her face.

Peter stood and walked to her. He cupped her face in his hands and gently wiped the tears away with his thumbs. “It’s because of you, Abby.” He smiled. “Having you here with me has inspired me to write and play again.”

“Peter, it was in you all along.” She gently placed her hand over his heart. “I had nothing to do with it.”

“Yes, you did.” He put his hand over hers. “I’m in love with you, Abby.”

“You don’t know me.” She stepped away from him. “There are things about me that you couldn’t understand. And that you wouldn’t want to understand.”

“Whatever it is, we can work through it together.” He put his hands on her shoulders. “I want to be with you.”

“I’m a witch.” She blurted out.

“What are you talking about?” He chucked. “There is no such thing.”

“Yes, there is, and I am one.” She looked into his eyes. “I’m a healer.”

“I don’t believe you.” He snatched his hands from her shoulders as if he had been burned. “Prove it.”

“Your hands hurt from playing, yes?” She asked firmly.

“Yes.” He held them up.

Closing her eyes, she took his hands in her own. Mumbling to herself, Peter’s hands grew warm in hers and the pain faded away to nothing. Abigail slowly opened her eyes to look at him and could instantly see the horror in his eyes.

Peter took one solid step back from her. “I want you to leave.”

Abigail felt her heart break at his words. She returned to the bedroom, dressed and left without saying a word.


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