~Love Heals All Wounds - Part 6~

The next day, Abigail opened her shop early. She had been up most of the night and finally couldn’t take the loneliness anymore. She also couldn’t get Peter’s hurtful words out of her head.

The shop hadn’t been opened five minutes when Grace came in. She didn’t need to say anything; she simply embraced her.

“One thing about having witches for sisters, you can’t hide anything.” Abigail laughed quietly.

“You also don’t need to put on a happy face.” Grace rubbed her back.

“I love him so.” Tears sprang to her eyes.

“I know you do.” Grace smiled cupping her face. “And he loves you too. If he didn’t, Bailey was going to turn him into a toad.”

“I promised myself I wasn’t going to let this happen again.” Abigail cursed herself. “How could I fall in love with him?”

“Because he’s the one.” Grace said softly.

“How do you know?” She glared at her sister. “You looked!”

“No, I didn’t.” Grace held up her hands in defense. “Daddy did.”

“He….” Abigail was at a lost for words, instead a bottle of bath salts on the shelf behind the counter exploded. “How could he?!”

Grace smiles, “Its nice to see you angry for once.”

“I’m madder than hell!” Another bottle exploded.

“Good, now channel it and make it work for you.” Grace touched her sister’s cheek. “Go to him. Make him understand.”

Abigail grabbed her purse and car keys. “Oh, I plan to!” With that, she stormed out the door.


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