~Love Heals All Wounds - Part 7~

Abigail whipped her car into the driveway of her parents’ mansion. She walked up the sidewalk and stormed into the front door. “Daddy!!”

“Hello, Abby girl.” Caine Connor sauntered into the foyer and took his daughter by the shoulders, kissing her cheeks.

“You have interfered for the last time, daddy!” She pushed away from him.

“You seem upset, Abby.” He replied casually, his lips turning up slightly in a smile.

“You’re damn right I’m upset!” She yelled. “Grace told me what you did.”

“Now, is that anyway to talk to your father.” He did his best attempt to seem cross at her.

“You had no right to look into the future!” She continued. “It’s my life!”

“Yes, Abby girl, it is your life. And as you well know, the future is not certain. It’s your choice if you want to change that future.” He explained calmly. “If you don’t love him…”

“I didn’t say that!” She interrupted.

“So, you do love him.” His grin came quickly. “That’s wonderful!”

“That’s also not the point!” She gently poked him in the chest. “No more interfering in my life.”

“I promise, Abby girl.” He drew her into his arms into a bear hug. “Now, go see that stubborn man of yours.”


Abigail stood at Peter’s front door. She lifted her fist to knock and then dropped it next to her side. He had told her that he loved her but what if he didn’t feel the same way now? She had seen the horrified look in his eyes and had heard the hate in his voice. She turned and slowly started walking back to her car.

The door suddenly opened behind her. “Abigail?”

Without looking behind her, she said quietly, “I’m sorry, Peter. I know I shouldn’t have come here. I won’t bother you again.”

“Please wait.” He ran out to the car and stepped in front of her. “We need to talk.”

“We have nothing to talk about. I know how you feel about me and what I am.” She couldn’t look up into his eyes.

“No, you don’t know how I feel.” He gently took her by the shoulders. “What you told me is unbelievable, and yet, I believe you are what you say you are.”

“A witch.” She stated.

“Yes, I believe you are a witch.” He tipped her chin up with his finger. “I love you, Abigail.”

Tears formed in her eyes. “Loving me isn’t enough. You have to accept what I am.”

“I do.” His thumbs gently caressed her cheeks. “You have changed my life. You healed me and I don’t just mean the physical pain. You healed my heart.” He looked into her eyes.

“You healed my heart too.” She smiled, covering his hands with her own. “I love you.”



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