~All Alone In The Dark - Part 3~

Peter and Danielle fell through the front door at the pad, their lips locked together in a fiery kiss. Peter closed the door by backing her into it, his tongue probing her mouth and his hands roaming over her body. She welcome his tongue into her mouth, sucking on it gently and raised her right leg wrapping it around his left leg and pulling him closer. Every sense in their bodies was heightened by the lust they shared for each other and the joint they had shared in the car.

Peter untied the knot of her blouse and ripped it open. His lips plunged down her neck and across her cleavage as he rubbed and pulled her nipples with his fingers until finally he was sucking them through her bra. They grew hard and swollen, aching to be set free. He didn't bother with the clasp but instead took one hand and tore it off causing Danielle to moan with pleasure. She ran her fingers through his silky hair holding his head to her breasts as he feasted on them.

He kissed his way back up to her lips as his hand found its way underneath her skirt, feeling her wetness soaking through her panties. "Oh yes!" She screamed as he pushed them aside and rammed two fingers deep inside her. He pumped them in and out of her and then stopped holding them still inside of her and enjoyed watching her squirm and buck against him, her ass slamming back against the door. "Please?" She begged, reaching down and grabbing his wrist. He grinned and started pumping his fingers deep inside her again taking her closer and closer to the edge until finally feeling her muscles contract around his fingers as she screamed out his name.

She pushed him back and fell to her knees then unzipped his pants and pulled his hard penis out. She teasingly ran her fingertips around the head causing him to moan and when she put her mouth around it, he almost lost his balance, bracing himself against the door. She took him in and out of her mouth slowly as first, barely grazing with her teeth until he started pumping his hips hard against her face, watching his penis disappear into her mouth over and over again.

He pulled out of her mouth and helped her stand then led her behind the couch. He gently pushed her over the back of the couch, pulled up her skirt and ripped off her soaked panties. "You are so hot." He whispered. He teased her by putting on the head of his penis inside of her rubbing his hands up and down her back. And then suddenly he plunged his entire length inside of her from behind making her scream in pleasure and pain.

He was so huge she thought for sure he would rip her in half but she didn't care. She wanted him inside of her, all of him. He pounded in and out of her hard and fast until they came together. They collapsed together on the couch, their hot sweaty bodies entwined.


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