~All Alone In The Dark - Part 5~

Madison stood looking at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe it was really her, standing there wearing a black dress and getting ready for her sister's funeral. Her face was puffy and her eyes red from the almost constant crying she had been doing since leaving the hospital. It was so unnatural for someone so young to be dead. Her whole body started shaking again as she thought of Danielle, so pretty, so talented and so gone.

"Doll, its time to go." Micky walked into their bedroom wearing his best black suit. He could see Madison's shoulders shaking from across the room. He went to her, turning her around in his arms as she cried against his chest. He wanted so much to take the pain away.

Madison sobbed. "I didn't think I had any more tears left but they just keep coming. When will the pain stop?"

He rubbed her back. "I don't know, baby." He cooed softly. "I don't think it ever goes away completely, but I promise it will get easier."


The church was full of friends and acquaintances. Madison sobbed quietly, holding Mac on her lap realizing he wouldn't remember his 'Aunt Ani', as he called her. The priest talked of peace and everlasting life, about Danielle going on to a better place, but his words only made her feel worse.

The service ended and a long line of cars proceeded to the cemetery. Again, the priest talked and they prayed and afterwards everyone left leaving Madison, Micky, Mike, Samantha and Davy there alone standing beneath an old shady tree, each lost in their own thoughts.

Someone cleared their throat and they turned to see Peter. "I didn't know if I should come here." His eyes were clear for the first time in months and he was clean-shaven.

Madison felt an overwhelming anger build up inside her. "You shouldn't have." Her tone was low and cross. "If it wasn't for you, Dani would be…" She almost couldn't say the words. "Dani would be alive."

"Madison." Micky put his hand on her shoulders. "Don't do this."

"No, Mick, she's right." Peter held out his hands. "I'm so sorry, Maddie. I never meant for this to happen. I loved her."

"You loved her?" Madison half-laughed through the tears running down her face. "You didn't even know her. All you did was get high. You didn't know how loving she was, how talented she was. No, you never loved her, you only loved getting high with her."

"Pete, maybe you should leave." Mike suggested.

Peter nodded. "Maddie, I am sorry." He turned and slowly walked away.


Peter went back to the pad. He closed and locked the door while loosening his tie. He poured himself a tall glass of vodka then took out the shoebox he had hidden in one of the kitchen cabinets. He opened it slowly and almost drooled at its contents; the dope and the pills. Yes, this would take the pain away, he thought to himself, taking another gulp of his drink. The pain of losing Danielle, the sting of Madison's words and the pain of being alone.


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