~All Alone In The Dark - Part 6~

"Do you want to come with, doll?" Micky asked slipping into his jacket. Their record company was having party that night.

"I don't think so." She shook her head.

He walked over to her putting his hands on her shoulders. "You can't avoid him forever. Besides, he probably won't even be there; he hasn't shown up for anything in the past month. One of these days you're going to have to let go."

"Micky, I can't let it go, I've tried." She looked down at the floor. "I know he didn't force her to do those drugs and yet, I can't let go of the anger I feel when I think about him."

He lifted her chin with his finger. "This anger isn't good for you, for us. I can't stand seeing you this way, I love you. I want to help you but I feel like you're pushing me away."

"I'm not trying to push you away." Her eyes filled with tears. "Just be here for me."

"Always, doll, and forever." He kissed her lips softly and then pulled her into a strong embrace.


After Micky left, Madison paced around the house. She found herself on the patio looking at the flower garden her and Peter had planted. That was before the fame, before their lives got complicated, before the drugs. They all had spent some good times together. And now…now it seemed like some one else had lived those times. She wanted to feel that way again but she knew that meant forgiving and then maybe the healing could start.

She walked across the stand and up to the back door of the pad. She peered in through the door and saw another nightmare coming true. Peter lying on the floor, unconscious, almost in the same place as Danielle had been. She quickly searched for the extra house key in the potted plant next to the step. "Damn it!" She fumbled with it, finally getting it in the lock and opening the door.

"Peter!" She yelled, running to his side. His body was still warm but she couldn't find a pulse and he wasn't breathing. "No, Peter! Damn it, you will not die on me!" She began pounding on his chest. "Do you hear me? I will not let you go. I can't lose you too." She screamed. She blew air into his mouth. "Breathe, you son of a bitch, breathe!" She compressed down on his chest and breathed for him until she thought for sure she'd pass out. Finally, he took a breath on his own, although he was still unconscious. She felt his pulse, it was weak and sluggish, but it was there.

She called the ambulance and rode with him to the hospital. She held his limp hand in hers, the way she had for Danielle. And she prayed.


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