~All Alone In The Dark - Part 7~

Madison called Micky at the party and he and the others rushed to the hospital to wait. It was the same room they had waited in so many times before but this time the wait seemed so much longer and death loomed everywhere.

They all sat there consumed by their own thoughts fearing the worst but praying for the best. Wondering how any of them could go on without him.

Finally, after endless hours, Dr. Strand arrived to inform them that Peter was in a deep coma and there was little if no hope at all.

For days upon days they sat with him, taking shifts to run home and grab a few hours of sleep and a shower. They lived on hospital food and gut-retching coffee watching the machines beep around him. Watching the doctors and nurses come and go, none with even an ounce of hope in their eyes. They prayed together in the tiny chapel, each making their own promises to God if He would only let Peter live. They also asked for forgiveness for not helping him sooner and for not finding out what drove him to this extreme.


The darkness was so consuming. Peter could hear things going on around him but he couldn't open his eyes. And part of him didn't want to. If he went back all the pain would be there, at least here there was no pain. For the first time in so long he didn't feel alone. But why? He was alone, wasn't he, here in the dark.


"I'm so sorry, Peter." Madison sobbed, her head resting on his limp arm. She was alone with him now; it was her turn to say goodbye. The doctors said there was no hope and they had all made the decision as a 'family' that it was time to let him go. "I never meant to hurt you." Her voice cracked. "You're my brother." She stood up and kissed his forehead gently and then brushed the sandy hair out his face. "I love you."

She reached the doorway and stopped with her hand on the handle, dreading what was going to happen once she opened it. A soft moan came from behind her and she turned around just in time to see Peter's eyes flutter open. "I love you too." He whispered in a horse voice.

Madison blinked her eyes several times. "Peter?" She rushed back to the bedside throwing her arms around him. "Oh my God! Peter!" She exclaimed loud enough to bring a rush of people into the room including Micky, Mike, Samantha and Davy.


Peter fought with his addictions and his demons for many years to come and finally won the battle when he learned to forgive himself and accept his life as a gift. It was a long, hard battle but as a 'family', they grew closer, knowing they could face anything together.



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