~Love You Forever - Part 1~

The months after Peter's near-fatal overdose were stressful, to say the least. He was released from the hospital and admitted into a recovery program all in the same day. But when he checked out of rehabilitation in October, 1970, he had a new and sober lease on life. The band immediately went to work on their next album laying down eight tracks the first day. Mike and Samantha were expecting their first child in May of 1971 and Micky and Madison were finally getting married.

Micky stood in the living room, the day before his wedding, watching Madison and Samantha buzz around the house making the last minute arrangements. He had been standing there for at least 10 minutes trying to get Madison to stop for a second and was failing miserably. He had a huge surprise for her and finally he couldn't wait any longer. The next time she whizzed by he caught her around the waist and brought her into his arms. "You have to come with me, doll." He said.

"Mick, I have about a million and one things to do." Madison looked up at him and kissed him quickly on the cheek. "Can't this wait?"

"No." He stated firmly. "Samantha has everything under control here and Peter took Mac to the park. Mike is picking up the tuxes and Davy, well, I'm not sure what Davy is doing but I'm sure it's helpful." He looked over at Samantha. "I'm stealing her for a little while, can you hold the fort down?"

"Sure thing." Samantha smiled, resting her hands on her growing belly. "And don't hurry." She laughed seeing the hurt look on Madison's face. "I'm sorry, but you were starting to get a little crazy."

"Fine." Madison pouted then looked at Micky. "This had better be the first and last wedding I ever have."

Micky laughed and kissed her lips softly. "It will be."


Micky drove them up the coast for about 15 minutes and then stopped along side the road. "We're here!" He announced jumping out of the car. He came around to her side and opened the door. "Come on." He took her hand and together they walked down a rather steep hill and finally onto the beach, where they walked hand in hand for a few moments.

Madison stopped. The part of beach that they lived on was beautiful but this, this took her breath away. "Oh, Micky, it's beautiful." She looked around trying to take it all in. There were rock formations glistening in the sunlight and crystal white sand. Wild flowers grew on the hills and the water was sparkling blue. She also noticed how quiet it was, only the sound of the surf lapping on the shore. She turned around and looked back up the hill and figured out why. There, on top of the hill, was a huge white house. "Are you trying to get us arrested? This is a private beach."

Micky laughed, "Its okay, I know the owners." He laced his fingers with hers again.

"Who are they?" Madison asked.

"Us." He said matter-of-factly, rolling forward on the balls of his feet.

"Excuse me?" Her eyes grew big. "Us who?"

"Us. You, me and Mac and anyone else that may come along." He smiled broadly taking a set of keys out of his pocket and jingling them.

"You're kidding, right?" She shook her head in amazement.

"Nope." He answered. "This is my wedding present to you."

"I love you!" She exclaimed throwing her arms around his neck kissing his face all over.

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "I love you too." They kissed then, their tongues entwining together. Micky pulled away and jingled the keys again. "Do you want to see the inside?"

Madison nodded vehemently.


They walked back up the hill and got into the car. Micky drove them the short distance to the long driveway of their new house. Madison gasped in amazement seeing the two-story dwelling before her. It had a front porch that stretched the entire length of the house. Micky shut the engine off and the two of them jumped out running up the front steps hand in hand. Micky fiddled with the keys and finally unlocked the door, which opened into large entranceway.

"I can't believe you did this." Madison breathed deeply walking to her left and into the sunken living room complete with hardwood floors and stone fireplace.

Micky followed. "Well, you have to admit that little house of ours is getting smaller by the minute." He laughed. "Here, we have five bedrooms, three baths, a den and a full basement. We can both have our own offices and I thought about setting up a small recording studio in the basement and Mac can have a playroom." He beamed. "As soon as I saw it, I knew you would love it and it would be our home."

She turned around and walked over to him, smiling softly. "I do love it. Thank you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and engaged him in a lingering kiss. "I have an idea." She exclaimed pulling back from him quickly.

"Uh oh!" He laughed.

"Let's cancel our honeymoon and stay right here." She said. "There's a lot to do with moving in and with the tour starting in a month, there's just not enough time to do both."

"I already did." He replied. "The movers are coming on Wednesday."

They spent the rest of the afternoon touring the house and finally drove back to Beechwood to get ready for their wedding the next day.


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