~Love You Forever - Part 2~

APRIL 3, 1971…

"Nervous?" Mike chucked into Micky's ear. They were standing on the beach waiting for the wedding to begin. It was becoming tradition for Monkees to be married in front of the ocean and all her wonder.

"Nope." Micky smiled broadly. "I'm just wondering why I didn't do this a long time ago."

"Because you're hardheaded and stubborn, just like she is." Mike laughed.

"That's true." Micky agreed happily. "It should be one hell of a marriage and there's no one I'd rather spend it with."

The music started just as the glowing red sun began its dip into the horizon. Davy, holding Mac's hand, started walking down the aisle followed slowly by Samantha. When they reached the front of the 'chapel', the music was changed to "Sometime in the Morning", and Peter, with Madison on his arm, appeared at the back. After everything they had been though, she wanted him to give her away.

Micky gasped at the site of his future bride for she was absolutely breathtaking. She wore a simple white lace dress, a halo of pink and white flowers in her hair and bare feet. When they reached the front of the 'chapel', Peter gently kissed her on the cheek and handed her hand to Micky.

"We are gathered here today in this wonderful setting to witness the marriage of Micky and Madison." Judge Harding began. He was also becoming a tradition being the same judge that married Mike and Samantha. "Micky and Madison have written their own vows and I ask that they now share them." They turned to face each other holding hands. "Micky."

"Doll, you are the love of my life and without you I am incomplete." Micky started. He gazed into her eyes and as he said the words, it seemed as if there was no one else in the entire universe besides them. "You have given me two of the greatest gifts in the world, our son and your love. You are my best friend and soon to be my wife and I will love you always and forever." He placed a delicate gold band on her finger.

Judge Harding turned to Madison indicating it was her turn.

Madison could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. "Micky, you are my best friend, my lover and my soul mate." She began, her eyes holding his. "As long as I live and beyond I will love you." She slipped the wedding band on his finger.

"Micky, do you take Madison to be your lawful wedded wife until death parts you?" The judge asked.

"I do." Micky smiled.

"Madison, do you take Micky to be your lawful wedded husband until death parts you?"

"I do." Madison beamed.

"By the power invested in me by the State of California…" He looked over at Samantha.

"OOOOOH!" Samantha exclaimed doubling over.

"Sammy, what's wrong?" Mike was instantly at her side.

"I think I'm in labor!" Her voice was shaking.

"Its too early." Mike held her shoulders, panic edging his voice.

"Finish the ceremony!" Samantha hissed.

"I really think we should…" Mike started only to be cut off.

"Finish the damn ceremony!" She yelled looking at the judge.

"Yes, of course." He stammered. "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride quickly and then go to the hospital."

Mike had already picked Samantha up in his arms and was headed down the aisle and to the car followed by Peter and Davy, who carried Mac. Micky and Madison ran after them foregoing the official kiss until later.


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