~Love You Forever - Part 3~

Mike sat in a plastic chair holding his head in his hands. A million things were running through this mind at once, all of them bad. The baby was coming a month and a half early and what if something was wrong. What if that was too early? What if their child didn't make it? What if Samantha didn't make it? His heart ached and his brain felt like it would explode. He looked around the room at all the other expectant fathers. They all looked nervous, not terrified like he was. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Madison.

"Everything is going to be alright." She said softly.

"She's been in there a long time." Mike replied. They had been at the hospital almost eight hours. Chuck Stone and his wife, Patty, came to the hospital shortly after the guests had left the wedding, to pick up Mac. He was going to stay with them while Madison and Micky waited at the hospital.

Madison gave Mike's shoulder a squeeze and then went to sit next to Micky. "He's worried sick." She sighed.

"I can understand how he feels." He put his arm around her. "If that was you, I'd don't know what I'd do."


The next time a maternity nurse came into the waiting room, it was four hours later. Mike instantly jumped to his feet only to be disappointed when she walked past him to Mr. Glass, informing him that he had a healthy new baby boy. Mike sank back into his chair as Mr. Glass was escorted into the ward to see his wife and baby. The waiting room was empty now and only the quiet snores of Peter and Davy, both curled up on one of the couches, broke the silence.


It wasn't until 9:00 a.m., on April 4, 1971, that another nurse appeared. "Mr. Nesmith?" She asked.

Mike jumped up, as did Madison and Micky, who woke up Peter and Davy. "Yes, how's my wife?" Mike answered impatiently.

"Your wife is just fine." The nurse smiled. "And you have a very healthy baby boy."

Mike was swarmed in a group embrace as cheers and hollers went up. "Can we see them?" Mike beamed.

"Of course." The nurse giggled at the happy group. "Follow me."


Mike, followed by the others, tiptoed into the hospital room. Samantha was sitting up in bed holding a tiny-blanketed bundle. She looked tired and weak, but absolutely glowed from pure joy and happiness. "Hi." She said softly, waving them over. "This is Robert Michael Nesmith, Jr." She smiled.

Mike looked down at his son and felt a love he had never experienced before; it was overwhelming and unconditional. He leaned over and kissed Samantha softly on the lips, his tears running down his face and mixing with her own tears.


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