~Secret Heart - Part 1~

JULY, 1972…

The doorbell rang and Madison swore under her breath. Peter, who was sitting at the kitchen table, chuckled quietly. "Want me to get that?"

"Please." She sighed, wiping baby food off of her cheek. She was covered in it, along with six-month old Sarah and most of the kitchen. "It's probably Cora." Cora Wood was their new part-time nanny. Madison looked around the kitchen and laughed to herself, thinking this was a bad way to initiate her on her first day.

Peter strolled to the front door and opened it. "Hi." He smiled.

"Hi, I'm Cora." Cora answered, holding out her hand. "You must be Mr. Dolenz."

"Umm…no." Peter said, taking her hand, completely stunned at her looks. She was almost as tall as he was with jet-black hair that was pulled into a tight bun at the nape of her neck. She had piercing green eyes and a thin but curvy body. Peter snapped himself back into reality. "I’m Peter Tork."

"I'm sorry." She blushed. "Nice to meet you."

"There's no need to apologize." He held the door open for her. "Maddie and my very messy niece are in the kitchen."

They walked into the kitchen to find Madison still wiping up baby food, this time off of her shirt. "Welcome to baby food hell." Madison laughed.

"Here, let me do that, Mrs. Dolenz." Cora walked over to the height chair.

"Call me Maddie and thank you." Madison stepped out of the way. "I have a meeting in a hour and I can't go like this. I'll go change and then we can talk for a few minutes."

Peter followed Madison out of the kitchen and to the bottom of the stairs. "She didn't know who I was." He whispered disappointedly.

"I know. She didn't know who any of you were." Madison giggled, starting up the stairs. "She's from a very small town in Nebraska."

"Whew, for a minute there I thought we were losing out touch." He laughed. "Tell Mick to hurry up, we're going to be late for rehearsal."


"What happened to you, doll?" Micky laughed as Madison came into their bedroom.

"Your daughter." She laughed. "Mac got your appetite and Sarah got your table manners."

"Hey!" Micky finished tying his shoe and stood up, walking over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek, then smacked his lips. "Yummy, carrots."

"Cora is downstairs and Peter is waiting for you." She laughed pushing him away.

He grabbed her again around the waist and pulled her close. "I had an idea."

"That's not a good sign." Madison laughed.

"I'll ignore that." He smirked. "Anyway, I was thinking that Cora could watch the kids Friday night and you and I could actually go out alone."

"Alone?" She raised an eyebrow. "I forget what that is."

"Here, let me remind you." Micky purred into her ear and feathered her neck with kisses.

"It's all coming back to me now." She whispered just as he captured her mouth with his own in a deep fiery kiss.

"Micky!" Peter bellowed from the bottom of the stairs. "Come on, man. What are you doing up there?"

Madison pulled away and dropped her head onto Micky's chest. "That memory is quickly fading."

"Friday, you and me, alone." He took her chin in his hand and kissed her. "Have a good meeting. I love you, doll."

"I love you too." She blew him a kiss as he walked out the door.


Friday night finally arrived after a long week than seemed to have an extra day in it. Cora was more than happy to watch the children that evening. So far, it had turned out to be a perfect job for her. She went to college part-time in the mornings, then watched Mac and Sarah in the afternoons and still had the evenings to study. Plus, she liked Madison and Micky and was becoming very fond of the children. Her roommate, Alice, was green with envy when Cora told her about the job. Cora was then quite embarrassed telling Alice that she didn't know who Micky Dolenz was much less The Monkees. Alice said she must have been living under a rock to not know who they were because, according to her, The Monkees were the hottest band of the time.

"Doll, we're going to miss our dinner reservations if you don't hurry up." Micky called from the bottom of the stairs. He checked his watch again and looked up to see Madison standing at the top of the stairs. "Wow!" He whistled.

"Thank you." She smiled, descending the steps. She wore a short red dress and her hair was pulled up with a gold barrette. "Was it worth the wait?"

"Definitely." Micky took her hand and gently kissed it.

They walked into the living room where Cora and the children were playing. "You two look great." Cora commented.

"Thanks." Madison smiled. "All the emergency numbers are by the phone in the kitchen. We shouldn't be too late."

Micky laughed, "Don't count on that. Its not often I get to take my beautiful wife out." They both kissed the kids good night and headed for the door.

"Have a good time." Cora followed them and made sure it was locked.


Cora put Sarah in her crib and the read Mac a story before tucking him in. She grabbed a soda out of the fridge and settled down on the couch with her books. It wasn't long before the doorbell rang and she ran to answer it, peering through the peephole to see Peter on the other side. She unlocked the door and opened it. "Hello Mr. Tork." She had to admit to herself that he was handsome, especially when he smiled. But between school, studying and her new job, she had little time for a social life and she wasn't sure she wanted one. She needed to concentrate on her studies and decide what she wanted to do with the rest of her life.

"Please call me Peter." He smiled broadly. "Can I come in?"

"Of course, but Micky and Maddie aren't here right now. They went out for dinner." She held open the door.

"I know." He walked through. "I came to see you."

"You did?" She swallowed hard. "Why?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." He walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "It’s a big house and kind of secluded and it can be scary at night."

"That's very sweet of you, but really, I'm okay." Cora smiled and sat down on the other end of the couch.

Peter turned to face her, picking up one of her books. "What are you studying?"

"Biology, I have an exam on Monday." She answered.

"I wasn't very good at biology, but can I help you study?" He asked smiling.

"That would be really great." She smiled back.


After a long and leisurely dinner at Remo's, where Remo, himself, waited on them, Micky and Madison strolled along their private beach hand in hand. "This has been the perfect evening." Madison sighed.

"It doesn't have to end yet." Micky smiled stopping and pulling her into his arms.

"What about Cora?" She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"She's not my type." He laughed, nipping lightly at her lips.

"Oh really, and exactly what is your type?" She pulled back, her eyes full of desire.

"You are, doll, only you." He reached up and took the barrette out of her hair letting it fall down around her shoulders. "I love you."

"I love you." She unzipped her dress and it fell onto the sand. She stood before him in only a lacey bra and panties.

Micky captured her mouth with his in a hot and sultry kiss running his hands over her bare shoulders and pulling the bra straps down. He kissed down her neck until he found that sensitive spot just below her ear and a small moan escaped her lips. She pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders and it fell to the ground. Then she unbuttoned his shirt dragging her nails down his chest and stomach.

He undid her bra and took one of her breasts in his mouth sucking softly and nipping it with his teeth. Together, they sunk down onto the sand and he gently pushed her on her back, the cool sand sending shivers through her body. His hands slid down her stomach and legs along with her panties. He kissed and nibbled back up her legs and when he slid his tongue over the sensitive crease of her thigh, she bucked and arched against him. He cupped his hands under her hips, lifted them and devoured her. She cried out his name, her head turning restlessly back and forth as she went over the edge, hard and fast.

In no time at all, still breathless and lightheaded, she sat up and fumbled with his pants, wanting nothing except the feeling of him buried inside of her. Pushing him on his back, she gave him a long, stirring kiss and lowered herself onto him, slowly grinding him in deeper. He sat up, his fingers digging into her hips as she linked her arms around his neck. They held onto each other tightly and, in a frantic rhythm, climaxed together then collapsed in a heap on the sand.


Spent and very satisfied, Micky and Madison walked up the hill and to the front door. She reached for the doorknob, but he stopped her. "Not yet." He brushed the hair out of her face, his eyes full of love.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered against his lips, "I love you, Micky."

"I love you too, doll." He picked her up in his arms and held her tightly as they shared one final heart-stopping kiss before opening the door and going inside.


They tiptoed through the entranceway not wanting to wake the kids and turned into the living room to find both Peter and Cora asleep on the couch, his arm around her and her head on his chest. Micky couldn't help but giggle until Madison hushed him, trying to stifle her own giggles, and then cleared her throat. "What's going on here?" She asked, covering her smile with her hand.

Both Peter and Cora jumped, looked at them, looked at each other and then skidded to opposite sides of the couch. "This is not what it looks like." Peter stammered.

"No, of course not." Micky laughed.


Micky walked Peter out to his car. "So?" He turned, eyebrows raised.

"Nothing happened." Peter defended. "I helped her study and then we talked for a while, that was it."

"I believe you." He laughed. "But did you want something to happen?"

"Oh, man, I don't know." Peter sighed. "She's a great girl. Did you know she's studying to be a nurse?"

"Yeah, I know." Micky smiled. "She's smart and pretty too."

"Pretty, hell, she's a knockout." Peter blushed slightly.

"Okay, so what's the problem? Ask her out." He play-punched him in the shoulder.

"The problem is Danielle." He leaned back against his midnight blue Mustang. "I loved her so much."

Micky took him by the shoulders. "It's been three years and Maddie would be the first person to tell you its okay to move on."

"I know she would." He smiled slightly. "I just don't know if I'm ready to love again."

"One date doesn't constitute love." Micky replied. "Besides, she might not even like you."

Peter laughed, "You sure know how to build a guy's confidence."


Meanwhile, Cora followed Madison into the kitchen. Madison put the teakettle on the stove. "Mrs. Dolenz, I am so sorry."

"First, you have nothing to be sorry for." Madison smiled. "And second, please call me Maddie. How were the kids?"

"They were great." Cora sighed in relief. "I should probably get home."

"One question before you go." Madison leaned against the counter. "Do you like him?"

Cora blushed deep red, "Yeah, I do."


Cora spent the rest of the weekend thinking about Peter. Just the thought of those dimples made her feel butterflies in her stomach. He had been so sweet to help her with her biology although they didn't study long but instead got caught up in a long conversation. He asked her all about growing up in Nebraska and about becoming a nurse and they talked about his music and the band. When she started to doze off, he slipped his arm around her. He was so warm and strong.

Peter also spent the weekend thinking. He thought about Danielle and the good love they shared. He also thought about the bad things they shared and how her life had been destroyed. The guilt still stung him through the heart. His thoughts wandered to Cora. She was so beautiful. When she looked at him that night with those green eyes, he thought for sure she could see right into his soul. Maybe it was time to let go of the pain and start living again


Peter found Cora and the kids on the beach. "Uncle Peter, Uncle Peter." Mac came running up and jumped in his arms. "We're building a sand castle, but Sarah keeps eating the sand."

He laughed and carried Mac back to the blanket where Cora and Sarah were. "Hi." He smiled, sitting down and pulling Sarah onto his lap.

"Hi." Cora blushed.

"Um, I was wondering." Peter started. "That is I wanted to ask you."

"Yes?" Her heart felt like it would beat out of her chest.

"Do you want to go out Friday night?" He said quickly.

"Yeah, I would love to." She smiled broadly.

"Great." Peter stood up. "I'll pick you up here around 7:00."


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