~Secret Heart - Part 2~

Friday night arrived all too quickly, but Peter and Cora's first date went better than either of them expected. By the time they arrived at Remo's Restaurant, they were talking and laughing and all the first date jitters was gone. Peter still didn't know where he wanted this relationship to go but he did know he wanted to see her again.

"I had a really great time." Cora said shyly as he walked her up to the door. "Thank you."

"I had a good time too." Peter smiled. "I'd like to see you again."

"I'd like that." She smiled up at him.

He leaned over and gently brushed his lips against hers. "Good night, Cora."


It wasn't long before they were seeing each other a couple of times a week and talking on the phone almost every day. Cora could feel herself falling for him and only one thing worried her. All of their dates ended the same way; he would kiss her good night on her doorstep and then leave. In fact, they hadn't done anything more than hold hands and kiss a little. In a way, she was relieved because she was so inexperienced. On the other hand, she felt like he was holding something back; as if he was frightened.

Peter was falling hard for her also and that alone had him scared to death. He was feeling things he had never felt before, even with Danielle. He wanted to hold her and run his fingers through her long thick hair. He wanted to make love to her. He wanted to let himself fall in love with her but every time those feelings crept up, he pushed them away.


"It's so beautiful." Cora whispered. They were watching the sun set from the terrace of the Pad. Peter could never bring himself to move, it was the one place where he truly felt at home. So, instead, he bought it from Mr. Babbitt.

He stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her shoulders and his cheek resting on her head. Her hair smelled like lilacs, so fresh and clean. He turned her so she was facing him and cupped his hands around her face. "Cora, I…" The words fell away and for once he let his heart do the talking. He kissed her lips so softly feeling her arms wrap around his neck. With his lips never leaving hers, he picked her up in his arms and carried her inside to his bedroom, gently placing her in the center of the bed. He sat down next to her and lowered his lips to her mouth giving her a meltingly hot kiss.

Cora pulled away slightly and looked down at her lap. "Peter, I've never done this before." She sighed as if a heavy weight had been lifted off of her. "I'm still a virgin."

He raised her chin with his finger. "Is this what you want?"

"Yes." She answered in a horse whisper.

Suddenly, Peter wanted nothing more than to make love to her, slowly and gently, to be the one to guide her over that sensual edge for the first time. He captured her mouth again in a slow teasing kiss, their tongues entwining together. He unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it off her shoulders revealing her smooth silky skin. A small moan escaped her lips as he kissed down her neck. The heat grew within her as he unhooked her bra and slid it off her body. Gently, he pushed her back on the bed and lowered his mouth to her breast, his tongue swirling around the nipple making her wild with pleasure. His hand crept under her skirt and up her thigh reaching her moist wet place.

Cora's breath caught in her throat as she felt his fingers touching her through her panties, making her body writhe in response. He pushed them aside and slowly began stroking her. That first skin against skin touch sent feelings through her that she never imagined possible. He inserted a finger into her gently and she threw her head back and shivered letting the pleasure of his touch take her over the edge.

"Wow!" She whispered after catching her breath. "Is it always like that?"

Peter smiled, his eyes full of passion, "Just wait, it gets better."

He slowly pealed away the rest of her clothes and then his own. He stood before her and her eyes widened at the site of him. He was so very large and she reached out and cautiously touched him, feeling his silky member beneath her fingertips. A small moan escaped his lips and she fearfully pulled away until she saw the smile across his face. "Please touch me." He whispered taking her hand and guiding it back. With his hand covering hers, she stroked him.

Peter covered her body with his own and pushed inside of her. She gasped at the pinching pain but held onto him tightly. The pain soon faded into bliss as he carefully inched into her further. Their tongues flicked in-between their lips as they kissed long and hard. She soon met his rhythm with her hips and he enfolded her in his arms. The intense pleasure grew like wildfire between them and they came together fiercely.


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