~No Time - Part 1~

MARCH 20, 1973…

"What a beautiful day!" Madison commented to Samantha and then took a sip of iced tea. "I'm so glad spring is here."

They were sitting out on the deck watching Micky, Mike, Peter and Davy play football on the beach. The band had been working on a new album and this was the first day they could break away so Madison decided a barbecue would be the perfect way for everyone to unwind and relax.

"Me too." Samantha rubbed her hand over her swelling belly. "Don't get me wrong, I'm excited we're having a second baby." She sighed. "But I'm tried of being pregnant. I haven't seen my feet in almost a month."

"I remember those days." Madison laughed. "Have you two picked out any names yet?"

Samantha sorted, then giggled. "We've picked out lots, now if we could only decide on one."

"What are the choices?" Madison asked.

"Well, if it’s a boy, I want Matthew, but Mike wants Jason. And if it's a girl, I want Emily, but Mike wants Maria." She sighed. "Then there's Robbie's input, he wants a baby brother named Tommy."

"What if he gets a baby sister?" Madison wondered.

"He told Mike to trade her in for a brother." She laughed. "What about you? Are you and Mick going to have any more?"

"Eventually. We talk about it all the time." Madison smiled. "But between having the two we've already got, the new album, the upcoming tour and my new novel, we haven't had time."


Meanwhile, down on the beach, the guys were tossing the football around and talking.

"Hey Pete, where's Cora?" Mike asked.

"She should be here a little later." Peter threw the football to Davy. "She had the afternoon shift at the hospital."

"When are you going to marry her?" Micky blurted out.

"Aren't you blunt." Peter snorted.

"Well?" Mike raised an eyebrow. "What's the answer?"

"We're living together and that's enough for now." Peter answered.

"How does she feel about this?" Mike caught the ball and tossed it to Micky.

"She agrees." Peter replied. "Neither one of us thinks we need a piece of paper to prove our love."

"Yeah, but what about your kids?" Micky asked.

"Kids?" Peter exclaimed. "We don't have any kids!"

"I know that." Micky smirked. "But someday you might. I had to adopt my own son because Maddie and I weren't married when he was born."

"I'm changing the subject." Peter tossed the football to Davy, who was staring out into space. "Davy, man, wake up."

Davy looked up just in time to catch the ball. "What? Oh, sorry."

"Where were you?" Mike asked. "Or should I say, what's her name?"

"Diana." He sighed. "Only she doesn't know I exist."

"Are you trying to tell us that Mr. Davy Jones, lady's man, is having girl problems?" Micky giggled.

"Shut up!" Davy retorted.

"What's so funny?" Madison came up behind Micky and put her arms around him.

"Nevermind!" Davy replied firmly.

"I'll tell you later." Micky whispered still giggling.

"The kids are up from their naps. We can eat as soon as you grill the hamburgers and hotdogs." Madison said.

"Great, I'm starved." They all started walking back up towards the house.

"So, Pete, when are you going to make an honest woman out of Cora and marry her?" Madison asked innocently.

"Ah, man, not you too." Peter sighed. "What is this, some sort of conspiracy?"


The sky was starting to gray over, so it was decided to bring the party inside instead of risking getting rained on. Micky and Mike handled the grill, Peter set the table, Madison chopped up the vegetables for the salad, Samantha kept an eye on the kids and Davy sat at the kitchen table with that spaced out look again.

"What's her name?" Madison giggled poking him in the shoulder.

Davy snapped himself back into reality and sighed. "Diana."

"Pretty name." Samantha commented.

"It fits her, she's beautiful." He said softly.

"One problem, she doesn't know he exists." Peter tried to stifle his laugh.

"How is that possible?" Madison chuckled. "I didn't think there was a girl in the world who could resist your charms."

"Neither did I." There was hurt in his voice. "But she won't even give me the time of day."

"Hang in there, luv." Madison patted his back. "I'm sure she'll come around."

Micky came in from the deck with a platter full of steaming hamburgers and hotdogs. "Let's eat!" He announced.


There was bustling around the kitchen as the food was placed out on the table and everyone started to sit down. No one heard the first distant rumble, which probably would have been mistaken for thunder. It wasn't until the entire house started to shake and rock that panic ensued.


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