~No Time - Part 2~

The whole house was shaking and felt like it would give way at any second. "Earthquake!" Mike yelled through the noise.

"Hold on and take cover!" Micky bellowed.

Glass shattered, walls cracked, furniture fell over, dishes smashed to the floor. The kids were screaming in terror. The lights flickered off and on and then finally went out with a flash. The shaking lessened and finally stopped less than 90 seconds after it began, although it felt like a lot longer than that. An eerie silence fell as everyone stood up and looked around. The only noise came from the soft sobs of Mac, Sarah and Robbie, Jr.

"Is everyone okay?" Micky asked quietly, picking up Mac and cradling him against his shoulder.

He received "yea's" and "I think so's" in return.

Meanwhile, Samantha checked Robbie, Jr. to make sure he wasn't hurt while Mike was trying to make sure she wasn't hurt. She didn't lead on that she had felt a contraction.

Micky looked at everyone and almost laughed. If he didn't know better, he'd swear they all had just been involved in a huge food fight. Everyone was covered practically from head to toe in everything from potato salad to chocolate cake.

"Mama, Mama!" Sarah cried as Madison picked her up and looked her over to make sure she wasn't injured.

"It's okay, baby." She cooed holding her tightly.

Sarah leaned back and looked up at her. "Mama has a boo-boo." She pointed to Madison's forehead.

Madison touched her forehead lightly to discover a bump probably caused when the swinging light fixture cracked her in the head. She winced at the pain slightly. "Its nothing, baby. Mama is alright."

"Let me see." Peter made his way over to her to look at her head. There was a crunch of the broken dishes under his feet. "You've got a pretty good bump there."

"I'm alright." Madison assured.

"Where's your earthquake survival kit?" He asked.

"In the front hall closet, if we still have one." She half-laughed.

"You have a survival kit?" Samantha chuckled.

"Of course." Madison smiled. "You don't live next door to Peter Tork for all those years and not have one."

Everyone laughed as Peter called from the closet, "I heard that!"


After getting the kit out of the destroyed closet, Peter looked out the front window. "Oh, shit!" He said quietly under his breath.

It resembled a war zone. Trees were fallen over, the end of the driveway was sunken down, and there was huge crack in the street. Mike and Samantha's truck was on its side, Peter's mustang was on its roof and the garage had collapsed. "Cora!" He ran back into the kitchen.

"What is it, Pete?" Mike asked concerned.

"Cora!" He picked up the phone only to discover it was dead. "Damn it!" He slammed it back down. "She was supposed to be on her way here."

Davy walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe she didn't leave the hospital yet."

"I should have gone to pick her up." He said, his voice full of guilt.

"And then you'd be out there. What good would that do?" Mike replied.

"Mike is right." Samantha stood up with Robbie in her arms, then immediately put him down and doubled over.

"Sam, what is it?" Mike ran to her side. "Are you okay?"

"I'm in labor." She used his arm for support.

Panic arose again as everyone started talking at once about what to do.

"Hold it!" Madison yelled. "Everyone calm down." She looked over at Samantha. "How far apart?"

"About 10 minutes." She answered.

"That's good, we've got time." Madison gave a reassuring smile.

"I'll go for help." Davy spoke up.

"I'll go too." Mike chimed in.

"No, you won't." Peter put a hand on his chest. "I'll go."

"She's my wife." Mike defended.

"Which is exactly why you have to stay here." Peter said strongly. "She needs you. Davy and I will go."

"Micky, go clear off the couch so Sam can lie down." Madison ordered. "Everything is going to be okay." She winked at Mike. "Women have babies everyday and in a lot worse conditions."

Mike led Samantha to the couch and helped her get comfortable. "You two be careful." He smiled and Davy and Peter. "And thanks."

With that, they were gone.


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