~No Time - Part 3~

It was dark outside. Madison stood at the front door watching and waiting for Peter and Davy to come back. There had been a couple of small aftershocks; nothing compared to the earthquake, but still enough to make every worry about them more.

Samantha was still resting on the couch. The contractions were getting closer and soon that baby was going to make its grand entrance with or without help. Mike sat with her, only leaving to get her a cool cloth for her head and some water.

The kids were upstairs with Micky playing games and reading stories in one of the bedrooms that wasn't too damaged.

He came downstairs. "Hey doll." He said quietly walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her shoulders. "Any sign of them yet?" He softly kissed her temple.

"No." Madison sighed and leaned back against his chest. "I'm not sure how much longer she can wait."

"I'm sure they will be back soon." He said hopefully. The idea of him, Madison and Mike actually delivering Samantha's baby terrified him.

"How are the kids?" She asked.

"Believe it or not, they're sleeping." Micky laughed.

"Well, an earthquake has a tendency to wear a person out." She smiled up at him.

"Maddie!" Mike called from the next room. "Get in here." There was panic in his voice.

"What's wrong?" Madison asked as she and Micky ran into the room.

"My water just broke." Samantha answered.

"Looks like we're going to have a baby." Madison smiled, then looked over at Micky. "Go get some clean sheets and get that panicked look off you face." She laughed. "Mother Nature is going to do most of the work."


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