~No Time - Part 4~

"Sammy, you're doing just fine." Madison coached. "I want you to push now."

They had moved her to the floor where Madison knelt between her legs ready to receive the baby, Mike was next to her having the blood squeezed out of his hand and Micky sat behind her as a backrest so she could sit up to push.

Samantha pushed, letting out a scream and several obscenities. Mike held her hand tightly and whispered encouraging words in her ear.

"1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10." Madison counted. "Good job, take a deep breath."

Samantha slumped against Micky's chest, breathing heavily.

"I can see the head!" Madison exclaimed. "Okay, one more time."

"I can't." Samantha shook her head vehemently. "I can't."

"Yes, you can." Madison assured. "One more time, come on."

"No, I can't." Her voice cracked as tears ran down her face.

"You can do this, baby." Mike kissed her forehead. "I love you so much, I know you can do this."

Samantha looked up into Mike's eyes, took a deep breath and sat up again. Micky supported her back.

"1…2…3…4…5…6…We have a head!" Madison cried happily and carefully turned the baby's head to clear out its mouth and nose. "Look at all that hair." She giggled then looked back up at Samantha. "Hon, you've got to push one more time."

"Okay." Samantha sat up and pushed with everything she had left as Madison drew the rest of the baby out and into her arms.

Samantha flopped back against Micky exhausted. Mike kissed her face all over and when they heard the first wails of the newborn, they all started crying and laughing.

Madison wrapped the baby up in one of the sheets and handed the bundle to Samantha's waiting arms.

"What is it?" Micky asked excitedly, his face wet with tears.


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