~No Time - Part 5~

"We're back!" Peter exclaimed as he and Davy both burst through the front door with two paramedics trailing behind them.

"You wouldn't believe what its like out there." Davy shook his head. "Looks like a war zone."

They both stopped short upon seeing Samantha holding a small bundle in her arms and Mike sitting behind her with his arms wrapped around her lovingly. "We're too late." Peter said.

"Is everyone okay?" Davy asked worriedly.

"Just fine." Samantha smiled. "Maddie and Micky did a great job."

"You delivered this baby?" One of the paramedics asked Micky.

"Actually, I was just the backrest." He looked over at Madison and smiled. "She did."

The other paramedic who was kneeling down by Samantha looked up at Madison. "Nice job." He smiled. "But we still need to get you both to hospital."

"Wait!" Peter looked over at Mike and Samantha. "Aren't you going to introduce us to the latest addition to the family?"

Samantha looked up at Mike and then whispered something in his ear. He nodded and grinned then looked at everyone stopping on Madison. "I would like you all to meet Maria Madison Nesmith."

Madison clasp her hand over her heart, tears springing to her eyes. "You guys are just too much." She dropped to the floor and wrapped her arms around them hugging them tightly.


Peter rode with Samantha, Mike and Maria to the hospital. He still hadn't heard from Cora and prayed that she was still at work. After seeing them to the maternity ward, he sprinted to the sixth floor. He got off the elevator and instantly saw her standing at the nurse's station.

"Cora!" He called out running down the hallway. "Oh, God, Cora!" He swept her up into his arms in a tight embrace.

"Peter!" She buried her head in his neck. "I'm so sorry. I got stuck here late and then the earthquake happened and the phone lines were out."

"I'm just so glad you're okay, baby." He cupped his hands around her face. "I have to…" He stuttered.

"What?" She rested her hands on his hips. "What is it?"

"When I didn't know where you were and I looked outside, it seemed like the whole world fell apart." He took a deep breath. "I was never so scared in my life." He kissed her forehead and when she started to say something, he put a finger to her lips. "Let me finish, please." She nodded, looking up into his eyes. "Then tonight after Sammy and Mike had their baby…"

"Sammy and Mike had the baby?" She cut him off.

"I'll tell you about that later." He laughed. "I want that. I want a house full of kids. I want you forever."

"What are you saying?" She raised her eyebrows hoping that she wasn't jumping to conclusions but she could already feel the tears stinging her eyes.

"I'm saying I want to get married." He giggled. "Will you marry me?"

"Are you sure this is what you want?" She felt the tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Yes, I want you today, tomorrow, forever." He kissed the tears off of her cheeks. "Marry me."

"Yes!" She smiled through the tears, wrapping her arms around her neck. "Oh, yes!"

He picked her up in his arms, kissing her fiercely. "Let's go home." He purred in her ear.


Cora Wood became Mrs. Peter Tork on April 20, 1973.



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