~I Can't Get Her Off My Mind - Part 1~

MAY, 1973…

Diana Jensen…beautiful, sexy, intelligent and absolutely infuriating. Long legs, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes as cold as ice. Stubborn, exhausting and headstrong. And Davy had fallen for her. In fact, he was crazy about her. She was an interior designer and he had first met her when she redecorated his neighbor's home. He had asked her out several times and she had turned him down flat.

The earthquake had done some damage to his house and now that the repairs had been finished, he decided to hire Ms. Jensen to do some redecorating. After all, she was the best and maybe he could get to her the way she had gotten to him.


Diana raced down the freeway with the radio blaring. Normally, she would have the top down and let the wind rip through her hair, but today she had an important meeting. A meeting with Davy Jones regarding the decoration of his home. She found him to be arrogant and presumptuous. Unfortunately, she also found him handsome, charming and almost irresistible. But she planned on resisting him and to keep their relationship strictly business-like.


The doorbell rang and Davy opened it to find Diana standing on the other side. She was dressed very business-like in a navy blue suit with a high collar blouse but she looked absolutely stunning. "'Ello luv." He smiled, holding the door open. "Please come in."

"I would appreciate it if you called me either Diana or Ms. Jensen." She replied coolly walking through the door.

"Ms. Jensen is too formal." He led her into the living room. "And Diana is much to stuffy." He could feel her enraged stare at his coyness. "How about Ana?"

"Why don't we get started?" She sat down on the couch ignoring his remark, although her insides were turning to mush.

"Yes, why don't we, Ana." He sat down next to her. "Can I get you anything to drink?"

"No, thank you." She cleared her throat because it had suddenly gone dry. The way he said her name made her knees weak. "I brought some fabric and paint samples to show you."


The upstairs of Davy's house had been the most damaged by the earthquake so Diana decided that was the best place to start. The next day, she came to start painting the master bedroom. She liked to do as much of the work herself as she could because it gave her a sense of accomplishment instead of just hiring someone else to do it.

Davy watched her from the bedroom door. She was dressed in a pair of old jeans, an oversized button down shirt rolled up at the sleeves and her hair was tied back in a loose ponytail. He thought she was even more beautiful that she had been the day before in the business suit.

He cleared his throat and walked into the room. "It looks great, Ana."

"Thank you." She replied indifferently not bothering to turn around and look at him.

"Can I help?" He walked up behind her practically breathing on her neck.

"No." She said softly. She took a deep breath and turned around to face him. "I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't stand so close."

"I'd like to stand a lot closer." He took another step. "You have paint on your face." He brought his hand up, cupping her cheek and wiping the paint off with his thumb.

Her eyes locked with his and she felt her knees grow week again. She couldn't back away from him because of the wet wall behind her. "I…um…I need to finish this." She stuttered.

"I need to kiss you, Ana." He whispered, his thumb still gently stroking her face.

"Please, don't." She torn her gaze away and looked down at the floor. But she wanted him to kiss her, she imagined that his lips would be soft and tender at first and then growing hungry.

"I won't, not now." He dropped his hand from her face and took one step back. "But soon." He winked and then turned and left the room leaving her breathless.


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