~I Can't Get Her Off My Mind - Part 2~

Diana planned on staying clear of Davy for the next few days but discovered that he wasn't around to stay clear of. He had left an envelope with a house key in it taped to the front door. The note inside said that he had to go out of town for a couple of days and she should come and go as she pleased. By the third day she was cursing herself because she actually missed him. In fact, since the day he had come so close to kissing her, she felt herself aching for him. She had been with her share of men in the past but none had made her want this way. It scared her more than a little to think that someone could make her want to lose that control.

She had finished the master bedroom and bath and was quiet pleased with the way it had turned out. She hoped that Davy would be just as pleased. The next room to be worked on was his office. She stood in the doorway and looked around. The room was Davy. It was done in dark woods and leather but was warm and inviting. All it needed was a fresh coat of paint to cover up the repairs made in the walls and ceiling. She imagined him sitting behind the desk working and what it would be like to interrupt him. To have him look up and smile at her.


She could almost hear him whisper her name and then realized it really was him standing behind her. She whirled around and found herself face to face with him.

"I didn't mean to startle you." He chuckled, his eyes gleaming.

"Well, you did." She huffed in frustration. "I was just making some notes." She fumbled with the pen and clipboard in her hands.

"Did you miss me?" He teased. She was a sight for sore eyes, he decided, scanning her from head to toe. The jeans were more formfitting this time and the black tee shirt splattered with paint was tucked in to show her slim waist and curves. She had pulled her hair back again and he wanted so much to loosen it and let it fall around her shoulders.

"You were gone?" She had regained her composure.

"Ouch." He put his hand over his heart. "After that, the least you can do is have dinner with me."

"I don't think so." She tried to dodge around him but he blocked her path. "Davy, please."

"That's the first time you've said my name." He backed her up against the wall, caging her in with an arm on either side. "I like it." He leaned in closer, his lips a whisper away from her. The scent of her soap and paint fumes was almost intoxicating. "Do I scare you?" His teeth nibbled at her jawbone.

"No, of course not." She lied, putting her hands on his chest in an attempt to push him away only finding that she didn't have either the ambition or the strength.

"You're a terrible liar." He skimmed his lips over hers for a quick taste and found it wasn't enough. "You scare me too." He whispered catching her mouth again in a deeper kiss. Her lips parted and a small moan escaped her throat driving him almost insane with desire.

Diana pulled back suddenly and pushed him away. "I have to go." Her eyes were filled with fear and confusion. "I'm sorry." She skidded past him, down the staircase and out the front door without even a glance back. Once in the safe confines of her car, she let the tears come and wondered how one kiss could be so wonderful. So full of passion it could make her weep and scare her to death all at the same time.


That Saturday night was the gala party to start the summer season. It was being held by the one and only Robert Newman, businessman and millionaire. His mansion was full of celebrities, CEO's and the like rubbing elbows with each other all in the name of charity. Davy was in attendance because he had been invited and well, you just didn't turn down an invitation to one of Robert Newman's charity events. He wandered about the rooms sipping champagne and making idle conversation. When Robert caught his eye and motioned him over, it was the last thing he wanted to do. The fact was he thought Robert Newman was a pompous arrogant asshole.

"David." Robert's capped teeth gleamed. "It's so good to see you." He held out his hand.

"Good to see you too." Davy lied through a brilliant smile and shook his hand. "A fine turn out again this year." He commented.

"Always is." Robert gave himself an invisible pat on the back. "Let me introduce you to my new lady friend. She's absolutely stunning." He tapped the shoulder of the woman standing with her back to them. "Di, I'd like you to meet Davy Jones."

Davy's eyes almost protruded out of his skull as Diana turned around. Robert was correct about one thing, she was absolutely stunning. She wore a long pale blue sequined gown with her hair swept up. "Ana." It was all he could say. The jealously stabbed him right through the heart and it was not an emotion he was used to.

"You two know each other?" Robert asked cautiously.

"Excuse me." Diana quickly stepped away and lost herself in the crowd of people.


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