~I Can't Get Her Off My Mind - Part 3~

Davy grabbed Diana by her arm and quickly but gracefully steered her through the crowd of people and into the library. He shut the door behind them as she tried to pull her arm out of his grasp. "Let me go." She snarled.

"Not this time!" He stated firmly. "You're not going to run away again."

"I have nothing to say to you." She replied.

"You've got plenty to say." He shot back. "Like what in the devil you're doing here with Robert Newman?"

"He asked me." She answered sarcastically.

"He's an asshole." Davy finally let go of her arm.

"Maybe he is, but the party is for a good cause." She rubbed her wrist where he had been holding her.

"Why did you run away from me yesterday?" He asked, his tone soft and hurt.

"Because you are my client and we have a professional relationship." She hoped that sounded believable because it was the far from the truth. The truth was he scared her. The emotions she felt was she was around him were overwhelming. She was drawn to him, captivated by him. She was in love with him.

He stepped towards her, wrapping his arm around her waist. "That's easily solved." He tightened his grip and brought her closer to him. "You're fired."

Davy crushed his lips down upon hers, his hands roaming up and down her back. At first, she remained rigid and then she melted against him, their bodies molding to each other as she opened her lips and let their tongues tangle together. Her hands moved up his chest and around his neck. His lips moved across her check and down her neck tasting her skin and sending shock waves through both of them. "Ana." He whispered against her hair. "Come home with me."

She couldn't speak or think, her head spinning. She simply looked into his eyes and nodded.


Davy wanted to take things painfully slow. He wanted to see, feel and taste every inch of her body. He wanted to stir something in Diana that no other man had ever brought out before. He wanted her to know just how much she meant to him.

In silence, he took her hand and helped her out of the car and led her into the house. He took her wrap from around her shoulders and felt her quiver at that simple touch. Together they climbed the stairs hand and hand and into his bedroom. He kissed her lips softly and slowly easing her lips apart. He could feel the heat between them as he unzipped her dress and let it fall in a pool at her feet. Underneath, she wore the same pale blue bringing out the fire and passion in her eyes. He turned her around and brought her back against him, his hands skimming down her neck and over the swell of her breasts. He kneaded the soft flesh through her bra with one hand and his other hand roamed down across her stomach and then under her panties finding her wet and ready for him.

She arched against him bringing her hands up and fisting them in his hair. Her soft moans turned to whimpers as his fingers probed deep insider her. He nibbled and licked at the nape of her neck. Waves of absolute torturing pleasure ripped through her as she climaxed. Breathless, she turned around in his arms and kissed him, hard and deep, while her fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders.

He picked her up in his arms and laid her down on the bed, then covered her body with his own. His hands roamed her body followed by his mouth, nibbling and tasting, making her squirm underneath his touch. Finally, he shrugged out of his pants and entered her slowly. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist drawing him in deeper. She took everything he had, possessing him and gave back even more. Blind passion took over and together they plunged over the edge.


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