~I Can't Get Her Off My Mind - Part 4~

"This is nice." Diana commented dreamily. It had been two glorious weeks since she and Davy had first spent the night together. Now, they were spending a lazy Sunday in bed reading the newspaper and eating a late breakfast. She cuddled up closer next to him.

"When we're married we can do this all the time." Davy smiled at her. "Except when we're on tour."

"Excuse me?" She sat up and looked at him, her mouth gaping open.

He looked at her shocked expression and seemed to understand. "You can come with me. I just figured you wouldn't be able to get away to go on tour every time. Plus, we won't be able to take the kids along all the time."

"Kids?!" She was absolutely floored. She got out of bed and started haphazardly throwing her clothes on.

"Ana, wait." He stood up watching her get dressed. "What's wrong? Where are you going?"

"I can't believe you! I'm going home." With that, she grabbed her shoes and stormed out of the bedroom and then the house.


"I just don't understand what happened." Davy commented sadly. He had just finished telling the story of what happened between him and Diana. It was the Thursday night ritual of everyone getting together over dinner. Madison and the guys had started it way back when they all lived on Beechwood and now they continued to do it when everyone was in town and had time. "It's been four days. She won't pick up the phone or return any of my calls."

"Do you love her?" Mike asked in all seriousness. "Or is this just another girl to you."

"Have I ever talked about marriage before?" Davy replied.

"It’s the real thing." Micky chimed in. "I've never seen him have it this bad before."

Madison looked at Davy. "Can I ask if you're a complete moron or if its all the loud music that's made your brain go south?" She exchanged knowing glances with everyone then except him, leaving him completely out of the loop and in the dark.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Davy shot back.

Samantha laughed out right. "She means did you really expect Diana to jump at the chance of marrying you after that romantic proposal?"


"You've heard of them, it's when you actually ask the girl to marry you instead of just assuming." Peter chucked. "And everyone always thought I was the dumb one."

Laughter roared through the room from everyone except Davy.

"I don't understand." Davy said quietly when everyone had stopped laughed. "I thought when two people were in love, the next step was to get married."

"It is." Cora agreed. "But girls like to be asked, maybe even wooed a little."

"And even then they don't always say yes the first time." Micky chuckled. "The first time I asked Maddie to marry me, she turned me down flat instantly."

"I was a fool!" Madison laughed throwing her arms around his neck and covering his face with kisses.

"I have to go." Davy jumped up. "I'm going to go woo the woman I love."


Diana was exactly sure what she was doing at Davy's house. She was still pissed at him for assuming that she was going to marry him. But he had called, saying it was an emergency and she needed to come over right away. She knocked on the door and found it was ajar. "Davy." She called pushing it open and walking in. She heard soft music coming from the living room. "Davy, come on. What's the big emergency?"

She stepped into the living room and it was like stepping into a fairyland. "Oh my." She said softly looking around. Dozens of candles glimmered around the room and there were flowers everywhere. Even the scaffold, which had been brought it to make repairs to the ceiling, was covered in flowers.

Davy stepped out from behind the scaffold wearing a tuxedo complete with tails. "Hi Ana." He said softly walked over to her. "I'm sorry about the other day." He took her hand in his own.

"I…I don't know what to say." She looked around the room again and then back at him. "Its beautiful."

"I should have done this right the first time." He brought her hands to his lips and kissed them tenderly. He got down on one knee and looked up at her. "Ana, I love you. I want to be with you and I can't imagine my life without you." He took a small ring box out of his jacket pocket. "Will you marry me?"


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