~Long Way Home - Part 2~

The champagne flowed, the music blared and laughter filled the rooms. It was a huge party to celebrate the end of the tour and Micky and Madison were hosting it. Everyone who was anyone was there. The house was crowded with celebrities, friends, family and Rhino executives.

Micky saw Madison coming downstairs and made his way to her through the crowd. "Did you get them in bed?" He slipped his arms around her waist.

She smiled slightly. "Sarah was asleep before her head hit the pillow and Mac wasn't far behind."

"Are you okay?" He brushed the hair out of her face.

"I think so." She sighed. "I've just have a really strange feeling tonight."

"What kind of feeling?" He asked.

"I'm not sure." She smiled up at him. "Its probably just nerves." She looked around at the sea of people seeing faces she didn't even recognize. "You throw quite a party, Mr. Dolenz."

"I couldn't have done any of it without you, Mrs. Dolenz." He laughed. "I owe you one."

"I'll be sure to collect on that later." She purred into his ear.


The stranger sipped his drink and watched them from across the room. He knew that the time was almost right to carry through with his plan, everything was set. By this time tomorrow he would be very rich and in Mexico, he thought to himself and smiled.


The last guest finally left in the wee hours of the morning. "I can't clean this up tonight." Madison sighed looking at the mess her house was left in. "Let's move instead."

"Okay, I'll start packing in the morning." Micky laughed wrapping his arm around her shoulder and leading her upstairs. "Let's get some sleep first."


Madison's sleep was plagued by nightmares of distorted faces. She bolted upright her eyes springing open and a scream caught in her throat. She looked over at Micky, who was still sleeping peacefully. "Mick, wake up!" She shook him, her voice shaking.

"Go away." He mumbled.

"Please, Micky, wake up." She pleaded. "Something is wrong."

He peeked out from under the pillow and could instantly see the terror in her eyes. "What is it?"

"I don't know." She got out of bed and was becoming more terrified by the second. "Get up!"

"You're scaring me." He jumped up pulling on a pair of jeans.

"I'll go check on Sarah. You look in on Mac." She ordered.

They met back up in the hallway outside of the kids' rooms. "Sarah isn't there." She looked up at him.

"Neither is Mac." He took her by the arms in an attempt to calm them both down. "They're probably downstairs watching cartoons."


They turned the house upside down and didn't find either Mac or Sarah. Within the hour the house was swarming with police officers. Both Micky and Madison gave statements to the police captain. Other officers checked for fingerprints in both Mac and Sarah's rooms. Mike, Peter and Davy took to searching the beach and the neighborhood. Samantha and Cora made coffee and cleaned up the house some. Bill, Madison's father, stayed closed to her side.

By mid-morning, the officers were wrapping things up. Madison walked up to the police captain. Silent tears ran down her face, but her voice stayed sturdy and strong. "You find my babies."


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