~Long Way Home - Part 3~

What seemed like the longest day of their lives, was only the beginning for Micky and Madison. Days turned into weeks and still there was no sign of Mac or Sarah. The police had no leads and no suspects. Reporters and photographers were constantly camped out in the front yard. Micky and Madison used them to make pleas to the person or persons involved in the kidnapping of their children.

"Come on, doll, let's get dressed up and go out for a nice dinner." Micky suggested.

"Dinner?" Madison turned around and looked at him as if he was from another planet.

"Yeah, dinner. You once reminded us that it was that thing you do between lunch and a midnight snack." He chucked.

"Our kids are missing and you're making jokes." She felt the anger rising up inside of her. "How can you do that?"

"Doll, we haven't had a good meal since this started." He walked over to her. "I just thought it would be nice to get our minds off things for a while." He reached out to her but she pulled away.

"I can't take my mind off of it." She screeched. "My babies are missing. They could be hurt or worse."

"Doll, I'm worried about them just as badly as you are. They're my babies too." He took her hand in his own but again she pulled away, this time more sharply. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He raised his voice. "You keep pulling away from me like you blame me for all this."

She didn't say anything. She only stood there staring daggers at him.

"Oh my God!" He bellowed. "You don't blame me for what happened to Mac and Sarah, do you?"

"I don't know." She threw her arms up in the air in frustration. "Maybe I do." Tears ran down her face. "What if some crazy fan has them because of you!" It was not a question.

"I can't believe you're saying this." His toner was lower now, calmer. He walked towards the stairs. "I'm leaving."

"What?!" She asked almost in a whisper, following him upstairs.

"I'm leaving." He started throwing some clothes into a suitcase. "I'll go stay with Peter and Cora back at the pad."

"I never said I wanted you to leave." The tears were flowing steadily down her cheeks.

"I have to." He said quietly. "I can't stand to have you look at me that way." He zipped the suitcase and carried it back downstairs. "I love you, doll." He glanced back at her one more time before leaving and shutting the front door behind him.

Madison walked to the door slowly and leaned against it, sliding down to sit on the floor. "I love you too." She sobbed.


"We have a breaking story in the Dolenz kidnapping." Candice Binge, reporter for Channel 6 news announced. "Micky Dolenz was seen leaving his house today with a suitcase. Chuck Stone, manager for The Monkees, would not comment on the situation between him and his wife, Madison."


On the other side of town, someone watched this news report and laughed.


Cora sat at the kitchen table making out the grocery list. Micky came down the stairs from his old room. "Hey Cora." He smiled slightly going over to the coffeepot and pouring himself a cup.

"Morning." She smiled brightly. "Did you sleep any better?" She asked. He had been staying with her and Peter for almost three weeks now and hadn't had a good night's sleep yet.

"Not really." He sighed. "I miss her."

"I know you do." She patted his hand. "She misses you too. You could call her."

"I can't." He gave her hand a quick squeeze and then pulled away. "I'm beginning to think she's right. Maybe this whole thing is all my fault."

"It is not your fault!" Cora stated firmly. "Its no one's fault and Maddie knows that. She just needs someone to blame right now. The police are going to find them. I know they are."

"Thanks." He replied quietly, then quickly changed the subject. "So, what are you doing?"

"I was about to head to the grocery store." She went along with his subject change.

"Let me go." He slid the note into his hand. "It’s the least I can do for you guys letting me stay here."

"Are you sure?" She smiled.

"Positive." He smiled back, knowing it would give her and Peter a little while alone. "I'll even take my time." He winked.


Micky pushed the cart through the A&P. He was following Cora's list, almost. He figured that Peter and Cora ate too healthy as it was and could use a little junk food in their diet. He was wandering around the produce and crashed right into someone else's cart. "I'm sorry!" He quickly apologized.

"That's all right, I wasn't watching where I was going either." A young woman replied. She looked at him over their carts. "Micky?" She asked. "Is that you?"

He looked back at her as a smile slowly formed across his face. "Tina!" He exclaimed. "Its great to see you!"


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