~Long Way Home - Part 4~

It had been six years since Micky and Tina had seen each other. A few days after he had regained his memory, she had come to see him to apologize and he accepted her apology. Shortly thereafter, she had moved to New York and he had heard through the grapevine that she was working in the fashion industry. He found out now that she worked as an editor for a fashion magazine and was in California on vacation. Her mom still lived in the area and that was whom she was grocery shopping for.

He looked at her now as they walked together through the grocery store and noticed that physically she hadn't changed much in the last six years. But there was something in her eyes that had changed. They were softer and sincere. As he listened to her, he realized that she had grown up, just like he did.

She asked about the kidnapping and expressed her sympathy, saying all the right things. All the things he had heard a million times since the morning he and Madison had found Mac and Sarah missing. But when Tina said those things, he almost believed them. He believed that Mac and Sarah were going to be found unharmed and safe.

"Do you want to get some coffee?" Micky asked when they had reached the parking lot and loaded the groceries in their cars. "There's a little coffee shop around the corner."

"That would be nice." She answered with a smile.


They walked to the coffee shop and found a quiet table in the corner. "You haven't said anything about Maddie. How is she holding up?" Tina asked after the waiter brought their order.

"I'm not really sure." He answered sadly. "We've been separated for three weeks now."

"Oh, Mick, I'm so sorry." She reached across the table and placed a consoling hand on his. "What happened?"

He gave her a brief description of what had happened between him and Madison. "It broke my heart to leave because I know we need each other right now more than ever. But I couldn't stay and see the look in her eyes. It hurt too much, maybe because I think she's right. Maybe if I wasn't in this business this never would have happened."

"Don't say that." She squeezed his hand. "You're very talented and you worked hard to get where your at."

"I never could have done any of it without Maddie." He could feel the tears building up. "I'm so glad to talk to someone about this. Thank you." He smiled and squeezed her hand back.

"Micky, we share a past but I hope you know I'm your friend." She gave him a sincere look of friendship.


The following day was Madison and Micky's weekly meeting with the police captain. They had insisted on it from the start so they could be kept up to date on what the police department was doing to find their children.

Micky came downstairs to find Peter and Mike sitting in the kitchen. "Morning." He yawned walking over to the coffeepot and pouring himself a cup. He had actually had a decent nights sleep for the first time in weeks. "What's up?"

Peter pushed a copy of the morning paper across the table. "That."

Micky took a sip of his coffee and looked down at the newspaper, almost dropping the cup. "Oh shit!" He said under his breath.

There, on the front page, was a picture of him and Tina holding hands taken at the coffee shop the day before.

"Have you completely lost your mind?!" Mike asked harshly.

"Its not what it looks like." Micky quickly defended himself. "We ran into each other at the grocery store then went out for coffee. Has Maddie seen this?"

"I don't know." Peter answered. "Cora and Sammi went over to try to soften the blow. What the hell were you thinking?"

"We had coffee and talked, that's all." Micky answered.

"Have you forgotten what happened the last time you had coffee with Tina?" Mike asked.

"That was six years ago, Mike." Micky replied. "She has changed. She's grown up, just like the rest of us."

"What about Maddie?" Peter chimed in again.

"Maddie has nothing to do with this." Micky bellowed. "I needed a friend and Tina was there. I needed to talk to someone who isn't involved in this whole mess." He grabbed his jacket and stormed out the front door, slamming in behind him.


The meeting at the police department went as it always did. They still had no solid leads on the whereabouts of Mac and Sarah but were following every tip they received from the public. They reassured Madison and Micky that they would find their children and the persons responsible would be caught and punished.

Madison stormed out of the building and through the parking lot. "Doll, wait." Micky called from behind, running to catch up with her. He caught her arm and whirled her around to face him. "We need to talk."

"From the what I saw in the paper this morning, it seems to me that you've already been doing some talking!" She spit the words out at him, her voice full of not only anger, but also hurt.

"I'm sorry." He replied calmly.

"Did you sleep with her?" She bluntly asked.

"No!" He stated firmly. "Damn it, Madison, I love you!" He tangled a hand in her hair pulled her close. "I would never hurt you."

"Don't kiss me." She replied coldly and pulled away. She knew if he kissed her, she would fall to pieces and right now, she needed to stay in control of her emotions. "I have to go." She ran from him so he couldn't see the tears streaming down her face.


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