~Long Way Home - Part 5~

It was the coldest October Madison could remember since moving to California. Even the warm fire glowing in the fireplace couldn't take the chill out of the room or out of her heart. She felt empty inside. Empty without her children but even more so without Micky. She missed his touch, his laugh and his love.

Mac and Sarah had been missing for almost four months now and Micky and Madison's conversations had dwindled to only speaking when they met at the police statement once a week. She had so much to tell him, so much she needed to share with him but her pride kept getting in the way.


In the meantime, Micky and Tina were becoming close friends. She had arranged with her magazine to work out of the California office so she could stay and be close to Micky. He needed a friend and she was still in love with him. She knew the time was almost right to tell him and maybe, just maybe, he would feel the same way.


The doorbell rang and Micky ran to answer it. "Hi!" Tina smiled brightly. "Come outside, I have a surprise for you on the beach."

"What is it?" He asked eagerly.

"Now if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" She laughed.

"Okay, let me grab my jacket." He went back into the living room. "I'm going out to the beach with Tina for a while." He told Peter.

Peter gave him a nod for a response. His opinion of Tina hadn't changed since she had come back in their lives.

As soon as Micky was out the door, Peter was standing at the window. He saw them walking on the beach and watched.


Micky followed Tina out on the beach behind the pad. "What's going on?"

She stopped, turned and faced him. "I need to talk to you." She said seriously looking up into his eyes.

"What about?" He asked.

"I have something to tell you." She chuckled slightly. "Wow, this is harder than I thought it would be." She took a deep breath. "Micky, I'm in love with you."

"Tina, I…" He fumbled. "I'm very much in love with Madison."

"I know you are now." She moved closer to him. "But maybe someday." She reached up to wrap her arms around his neck.

"No, Tina." He took her arms and pushed her away. "I am always going to be in love with Maddie. She's my life." He could see the hurt in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

Her eyes suddenly turned icy. She walked behind one of the rock formations and returned with Mac and Sarah. "Maybe this will change your mind."


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