~Long Way Home - Part 6~

Peter had seen Sarah and Mac before Micky did. "Cora!" He called calmly. "Go in the office and call the police. Tell them that Tina is holding the kids hostage and to keep their distance."

"Oh my God!" Cora clasped her hand over her mouth.

"Go!" He ordered picking up the phone in the living room. "I'm calling Maddie."


"Daddy! Daddy!" Both Mac and Sarah exclaimed running across the sand.

"Oh God!" He knelt down and scooped them up in his arms. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"No Daddy." Mac answered happily. "Tina has been taking really good care of us. We've had a lot of fun."

"See?" Tina walked over to them, a sincere smile on her face. "Now that we're all together, we can be a real family."

"Tina, you are not a part of our family." Micky stated firmly.

"As soon as you get divorced and marry me, I will be." She replied matter-of-factly. "We'll be so happy."

"You're insane!" Micky set the kids back down on the ground. "Now, I'm taking my kids and we're going home."

"I don't think so." She reached into her pocket and pulled down a small handgun, its silver barrel catching the sunlight.

"Micky!" Madison called running from the pad and onto the beach.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Mac and Sarah jumped up and down as Madison fell to the ground next to them pulling them into her arms.

"I missed you so much!" She exclaimed hugging them to her, tears running down her face. "Let's go home."

"Like I just told Micky, I don't think so." Tina said again more strongly.

Madison pushed the kids behind her as she stood up next to Micky. "Tina, don't do this." She said softly. She leaned against him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Look, doll," Tina replied sarcastically as she wheeled the gun around, "this is my family now. So step away from my husband."

"I don't think so!" Madison stormed back. "This is my family and there's no way in hell you're getting your hands on them."

"I could just shoot you." Tina pointed the gun at her.

"You could, but then you'd be killing Micky's child." She shot back. "I'm pregnant."

"You are?" Micky looked at her stunned.

"Yes." She smiled and then half-laughed. "This isn't exactly the way I wanted to tell you."

He smiled and placed a hand on her stomach then kissed her temple.

"Stop it!" Tina screamed. "Get away from her Micky, or I swear I kill her right now!"

"Calm down, Tina, please." Micky pleaded. "I'll step away just please don't do anything stupid." He took both kids by the hands and walked away, stopping a few feet from Tina. "Put the gun away." He pushed the kids toward the rocks and told them to stay put.

"Tell me you love me." Tina ordered.

"Tina, I…" He stuttered and looked over at Madison.

"Tell me!!!" She bellowed pointed the gun directly at Madison.

"I love you." He said quickly but was looking at Madison when he said the word 'you'.

"Good." Tina smiled evilly. "Now, what should we do with her?" She gestured at Madison.

"Let her go." Micky answered trying to sound reasonable. "Let her take the kids and go. We'll start a new family." He cringed at the thought.

"Really?" Tina's eyes grew hopeful.

"Sure, honey." He tried to smile. "We'll get married and have lots of kids." He walked closer to her.

Madison felt her stomach drop but knew he was telling her those things to appease her.

"I don't believe you. You're lying to me!" She stormed. She raised the gun and pointed it at Madison.

"NO!!!" Micky screamed and lunged at her. He tackled her just as she pulled the trigger.

"Micky!" Madison shouted running towards them as the police moved in and surrounded.

Micky struggled to get the gun out of Tina's hand and tossed it aside. The police jumped in and grabbed her, hauling her up. Micky rolled over on his back as Madison dropped on her knees next to him.

"Oh God!" She saw the blood oozing through his shirt. "Oh my God!"

Peter and Cora ran across the sand to their side. "Oh shit!" Peter exclaimed. "Someone call an ambulance. He's been shot!"

Cora scooped Mac and Sarah up in her arms. "Everything is alright now." She cooed and quickly took them back in the pad away from the horrid site.

"Doll?" Micky whispered.

"I'm right here, baby." Tears streamed down her face.

"Are you and the kids okay?" He voice sounded so tired.

"Yes, baby, we're fine." She ran her fingers through his dark curls.

"I'm so sorry, this was all my fault." He struggled. "I love you."

"I love you too." She brushed a kiss across his forehead. "It's not your fault. Everything is going to be okay."

He started to close his eyes. "I'm so tired."

"No, baby, please don't go to sleep." She pleaded afraid that if he went to sleep he would never wake up again. "Where the hell is that ambulance?" She shot at Peter and saw the tears in his eyes.

"I love you, doll." Micky whispered once more and closed his eyes.


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