~Long Way Home - Part 7~

The bullet had penetrated Micky's spleen and it had to be removed to stop the internal bleeding. The doctor reassured Madison that even though he was in serious condition, his prognosis was good. She quietly walked into his room and saw him sleeping peacefully. He was heavily sedated and would probably sleep for quite a while. The doctor had tried to talk her into going home to get some rest, but she couldn't be any place else.

She walked over to his bed and pulled up a chair. "Hey baby." She said softly taking his hand. "The doctor said you're going to be just fine." She ran his fingers through his thick curls. "I know you probably can't hear me but I have to say some things." She took a deep breath. "I am so sorry for all those things I said. I had no right to blame you. It wasn't your fault and I want you to come home." She squeezed his hand. "I never should have let you leave in the first place."

"Jacob." Micky whispered opening his eyes slowly.

"Welcome back." She smiled down at him. "Jacob, I don't understand?"

"The baby, let's name him Jacob." He smiled.

"I like Jacob." She laughed and kissed him softly on the lips. "Have you been listening to me ramble this whole time?"

He nodded and reached up tangling his hand in her hair. "I love you."

"I love you too." She carefully lay down next to him. "Hey, what if it’s a girl?"

He laughed and snuggled closer to her. "We'll talk about it at home."


Tina Grove was sentenced to 15 years in jail with a possibility for parole in seven.


Jacob William Dolenz was born on April 23, 1974.



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