~Separate Ways - Part 3~

A deep growl came from Mike's throat as he lunged at Peter, punching him square in the jaw and knocking him on his back. "You bastard!" Mike landed on him then, delivering frantic blow after blow.

"Michael, stop it!" Samantha screeched as Micky and Davy pulled him off of Peter. She knelt down next to him. "Peter, are you okay?" His lip was spilt and bleeding.

Peter looked up at her as she tenderly dabbed his mouth with her skirt. He looked over Cora and then Mike who was still being held back by Micky and Davy. "I love her, man. I'm sorry, we never meant to hurt either of you."


Cora was silent until they arrived home. She walked into the kitchen and filled an ice pack and brought it back into the living room. "Here, put this on your lip." She handed it to him.

"Cora, I'm so sorry." Peter took her hand instead of the ice pack.

"I know you are." She said quietly, looking up at him. "Things haven't been right between us in a long time. I'm sorry too."

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"I was offered a head nursing job in Chicago. I'm going to accept it." She held his hand and they walked over to the couch and sat down. "All I want is for us to end this as friends."

He smiled and gently cupped her cheek with his hand. "I don't know where my life would be if you hadn't come into it. We will always be friends."


"I still can't believe it." Madison commented while climbing into bed next to Micky. "What do you think is going to happen now?"

"I don't know, doll." He placed his reading glasses on the nightstand and then wrapped his arm around her bringing her head to rest on his chest. He was quiet for a few moments gently stroking her arm with his hand. "The way Sammi looked at Mike, there was absolutely no love in her eyes. It was so cold. If you ever looked at me that way…"

She sat up and put her fingers to his lips. "That will never happen to us. I love you more every day and there is nothing on this earth that will change that. You are my husband, my best friend, my soul mate. Face it, baby, you're stuck with me."

He laughed and then kissed her long and softly. "I love you, doll."


"I always thought Mike had it all together." Davy said sadly as he and Diana climbed into bed. "Peter too. They both seemed so happy."

"They were at one time." Diana snuggled up next to him. "I guess, people change and so do the situations there in."

"You know, no one thinks we're going to make it. They think we married too soon and it will never last." He wrapped both arms tightly around her.

She smiled and softly kissed his lips. "You just described every great success story."


"Michael, please talk to me." Samantha pleaded. They had been home for over an hour and the silence coming from him was tearing her apart. "Say something, anything."

"What do you want me to say?" He replied softly. "You've destroyed our marriage, the band and my friendship with Peter. I'm sorry, but I'm at a loss of what to say to that."

"Damn it, Michael, don't you dare put this all on me!" She yelled in anger. "It takes two people to make a marriage work and you haven't been working at this marriage for a long time."

"Oh, so it's my fault that you went and slept with my best friend?!" He shot back at her.

"No, I take full responsibility for that. But I didn't pull away from you. Face it, Michael, you left me in your heart a long time ago." Tears started building up in her eyes. "Do you remember the last time we made love? It's been over six months. My God, we don't even talk anymore. You never have time for me because work is always more important." She took a deep breath. "The band always comes first and everything else has to get in line. For a long time, I accepted that. I accepted that you're first love was music. I can't do that anymore."

"You won't have to." He stormed towards the front door, grabbing his jacket. "I'll contact a lawyer in the morning." He opened the door and started to leave, but turned around to look at her. "It was always for you. Everything I did since I second I saw you. You were my first love." He closed the door quietly behind him.


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