~Separate Ways - Part 4~

Chuck Stone, the manager for the band, called for a meeting two days later. Mike was the last one to arrive that morning at Chuck's office. He nodded at Micky and Davy, scowled at Peter and then walked over to Chuck. "What the hell are they doing here?" He gestured at Madison and Diana. "This is business."

"No, Michael, this is family." Madison spoke up before Chuck had a chance to say anything.

"Maddie is right." Davy agreed. "We've never made a decision without the girls before so I don't think we should start now."

"Fine." Mike replied coldly. "Look, I'll make this very simple. Either Peter goes or I go. You guys can decide who stays and who goes."

Everyone started arguing and talking at once until finally Chuck whistled between his teeth to get their attention. "Hold it!" The room quieted down. "This isn't solving anything."

"Mike, you can't mean that." Davy started.

"We love both of you." Micky butted in. "It's not fair for you to make us choose between you. You're both our friends."

"After what he did, how can you call him friend?" Mike exploded, standing up and pointing at Peter.

"Because we're a family." Madison stated. "We've been through too much together to let one mistake destroy us."

"You say like he broke a vase or something." Mike paced back and forth then stopped in front of Madison. "He slept with my wife, he destroyed my marriage and his own."

"Stop it!" Peter stormed, also standing up. "It isn't fair to make you choose, so I'll make this easy. I'm leaving the band."

"No." Davy said quietly. "We're not a band if any one of us leaves. We started this together and we should end it that way."

"What are you saying?" Diana asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm saying…" He looked at each of them one by one. "I'm saying that if all four of us aren't together then there shouldn't be a band at all."


"We have a breaking entertainment story tonight." Candice Binge, of Channel 6 news started. "Chuck Stone, manager for The Monkees, announced today at a press conference that the band has spilt due to artistic differences." A picture of The Monkees was showed on the screen. "Mr. Stone would not comment on the specific reasons for the breakup, saying only that the members have decided to go their separate ways."



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