~Every Step of the Way - Part 2~

Taking care of five children, all under the age of seven, including a five-month-old baby, was difficult. Micky and Madison's house was being turned upside down and inside out. Samantha and Mike came to visit almost every day; Samantha in the morning and Mike in the afternoon.

In the middle of the second week, Samantha came for her morning visit. She strolled in looking tired and frustrated and didn't notice that Madison was holding a screaming baby on her hip, Robbie and Mac were running around like monsters and Sarah and Maria were both eating lunch and getting more on themselves then actually in their little bodies.

"I just don't understanding any of this." Samantha sighed, flopping down on a kitchen chair. "How can he be so mean? I was a good wife and now he's doing this. You should have heard the terrible things he said in court yesterday."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there." Madison replied sarcastically. "I've been a little busy."

"If it wasn't for Peter, I just don't know what I'd do." She poured herself a cup of coffee. "He's just been so wonderful. It's so nice to have someone I can count on."

"I guess we're chopped liver." Madison replied under her breath. "Hey, do you think you could give me a hand here?"

"I am just exhausted." Samantha went on not noticing Madison had even spoke. "I think I'll go get a facial." She drained her coffee cup and kissed Maria on top of the head. "Now, you be good for Aunt Maddie." She grabbed her jacket and headed towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Madison set Jacob down in his playpen and then gave a long exhausted sigh just as Micky came in the kitchen. "Doll?" He looked around and saw the mess and tried to stifle a laugh.

"It's not funny!" She snapped at him, her eyes welled with tears. "Look at this house." She threw her arms up. "I don't know why we agreed to do this. I mean, here we are breaking our asses and she's out having a facial. And Michael is almost as bad. He comes in, plays for a while and then leaves." Her voice was rising. "Not to mention that you and I haven't had two minutes alone since this all started."

Micky walked over to her and gently took her in his arms. "You're exhausted. Come on, you're going upstairs and taking a nice long bath."

"Mick, I don't have time to take a bath." She resisted him but he only pulled her closer. "The house is a mess and the kids…"

"I'll take care of everything." Keeping his arm around her, he led her upstairs. "Take a bath and relax. Then take a nap." He gently pushed her into their bedroom. "After the kids are all in bed tonight, we'll spend way more than two minutes alone." He laughed.

"Thank you." She giggled. "I love you."

"I love you too, doll." He brushed her face with the back of his hand and then closed the door.


Madison regained her sanity and Micky lost a little of his in the next few days. Between the two of them, they finally were able to get on a schedule with the kids and everything was running smoothly. Until a week before they were all scheduled to be back in court. Samantha came in the morning for her visit and Mike was schedule to come by that afternoon. It was the middle of that afternoon, when Madison heard raised voices coming from the front yard. She stepped out onto the porch to see Samantha, Mike and Peter all in a heated argument. Mac, Sarah, Robbie and Maria watched intently as did Madison for a few moments.

Madison couldn't understand everything they were saying mostly because all three of them were yelling at once. Her temper fumed as she walked down the steps and across the yards. "Kids, please go inside."

"But mom." Mac protested.

"Now!" She replied sternly pointing towards the house. When they were safely inside, she approached Samantha, Mike and Peter. "I have had it!" She stormed, walking into the middle of them. "What the hell is going on?"

"Well, I forgot my purse this morning so Peter and I stopped by to get it and ran into him." Samantha pointed a finger towards Mike. That was as far as she got before all three of them were talking at the same time again.

"Enough!" Madison yelled, "I'm sorry I asked." She took a deep breath. "I'm only going to say this once and then I want the three of you to go home."

"But…" Mike began until he was hushed by Madison's glare.

"You're an asshole, Michael." Madison looked at him. "The only reason you started this whole custody case was to hurt Sammi as bad as she hurt you. You know she's a good mother and she loves those kids as much as you do. You had no reason to do this other than revenge."

"Thank you, Maddie." Samantha spoke up but was also silenced by Madison's glare.

Madison whirled around into Samantha's face. "You need to start taking some responsibility for what you did and what you're going to do in the future. You also know Michael loves them and he's their father but you're still hell bent on hurting him. Grow up!"

"Hey, don't talk to her like that." Peter stepped in.

"And you need to stay the hell out of this." She pointed her finger at Peter. "I know you love Sammi, but this is none of your business. This is between them."

Madison stopped for a second to collect her thoughts. "Now, I suggest you work this out and fast. Because, I swear to you, if you don't, Micky and I will march into that courtroom next week and tell that judge that neither one of you deserves those kids. You want to hurt each other, that is fine with me. But I won't let you hurt them anymore. As for the rest of the visitation, it's cancelled until the hearing." With that, she stomped back into the house and slammed the door, leaving the three of them standing there.


There were a few moments of silence. "Maybe we should talk this out." Mike said quietly.

"I would like that." Samantha agreed.


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