~Every Step of the Way - Part 3~

At the court hearing the following week, everyone was in attendance again except for Davy and Diana who had once again been drafted to baby-sit. Judge Spencer sat behind his desk and looked at both Mike and Samantha. "Where are your attorneys, Mr. and Mrs. Nesmith?" He asked.

Mike stood up. "Your Honor, Samantha and I both dismissed our attorneys for this hearing. We have come to an agreement regarding our kids by ourselves."

"I was hoping you would." The judge smiled. "Why don't you both tell me about it."

"First, we decided that Robbie and Maria will live with Samantha and go to school. They belong with their mom for the most part." Mike explained, earning another smile from the judge.

Samantha stood up next to him. "We also decided that they will spend their summer and Christmas vacations with Mike." She looked over at Mike and smiled. "Because they need to be with their dad too."

"I don't know what happened to change your minds, but I'm glad it happened." Judge Spencer praised. "This case is now closed. I hope everything goes as smoothly in your divorce proceedings."

"It will, Your Honor, thank you." Mike replied.

As soon as Judge Spencer rapped his gavel, applause went up in the courtroom. Samantha and Mike turned around to see Micky, Peter and Madison clapping and smiling.


They had a small party at Micky and Madison's after the hearing. Mike clinked his glass with his fork and stood up. "Um, I have a couple of things to say." He got everyone's attention. "First, I need to thank Maddie and Micky for everything they did this last month." He then looked at Maddie and winked. "You never know when to stay out of other people's business. Thanks for kicking my butt last week."

"Anytime, Michael." She winked back. "I love you."

"I love you too." He looked down at his glass and then back up again. "I'm leaving for Texas tonight." He said quietly and sadly. Before anyone could raise any objections, he continued. "This is something I need to do. I've been going so hard for so long. Its time to step back and figure out my life."

Micky was the first to stand up. "We'll miss you, man." He walked over and gave him a strong brotherly hug.

"Thanks, man." Mike hugged him back and then turned towards Davy. "I expect you to do great things."

"You too, mate." Davy embraced him.

Mike walked over to Diana and kissed her cheek. "You keep an eye on him, now, ya hear."

"You can count on it." She gave him a big hug.

"I hate this." Madison stood next in line, tears filling her eyes. "God, I'm gonna miss you." She wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you too, darlin'". He hugged her back and then slowly let go. "Well, this is it." He started to walk towards the door.

"Mike, wait." Peter stopped him. "I can't let you leave like this." He took a deep breath. "Mike, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you and betrayed your trust and our friendship."

"I know you are, man. But…" He looked at Samantha. "But I need to take some responsibility for this too. I couldn't give you what you needed and I'm sorry for that. As long as I live I'll be sorry for that." He turned back to Peter and put his hand on his shoulder. "Be good to her, she deserves it."

Peter smiled, "I will be with her every step of the way."

"I have a plane to catch." Mike pulled away regaining his composure.

"Michael." Samantha ran to him and threw her arms around him. They held each other tightly for a few moments. She drew away slowly and looked up at him. "Thank you."

"I love you." He whispered, kissing her cheek softly. "I always will."



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