~If I Knew - Part 1~

Davy and Diana wanted a family more than anything. They had so much love to share. But Diana had been through three miscarriages and all the doctors told them it would be impossible for her to carry a baby to term. It broke their hearts to hear this, but their love was strong enough to hold them together.

Then, in the late spring of 1977, Diana became pregnant again. At first, they both knew there would be no hope for this baby. But the months went by and on May 18, 1978, Hope Annabel was born, healthy and happy. Davy fell in love with her the minute he laid eyes on her. And when he looked at Diana, he knew she had never looked more beautiful than she did at that moment. He never thought he could love her more than he did on their wedding day…he was wrong.


AUGUST, 1978…

Madison ran to answer the phone, tripping over one of the kid's toys in the process. "Damn!" She exclaimed, picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"Maddie…Its Samantha." There was a small crackle from the overseas call.

"Hey girl." Madison smiled. "What's up? I was going to call you this weekend."

"There's been an accident." Samantha replied somberly. "Its Diana."

"Oh God." She cupped her hand over her mouth. "What happened?"

"She was going to the store to get diapers. There was a big truck." Samantha stopped, trying to swallow her tears. "Maddie, its bad. She's in intensive care. I don't think…"

"Don't say it." She stated. "Was Hope…"

"No, she was at home with Davy." She interrupted.

"Thank God for that." Madison breathed. "Okay, I'll call Micky at the studio and we'll be on the next plane."


Twenty-four hours later, Micky, Madison and the kids arrived in California. Madison's dad met them at the airport and drove them home. He was going to stay with the kids while Micky and Madison were at the hospital. They dropped their luggage off at the house and quickly changed clothes before going to Malibu Community Hospital.

They found Peter, Samantha and Mike in the intensive care waiting room. As soon as they saw Mike, they knew it must be serious. No one had heard from him since he visited Samantha in the hospital after Melody was born.

"How is she?" Madison asked after the greetings and hugs took place.

"The doctor says it won't be long." Peter told them after taking a deep breath. "There's nothing they can do for her." He wrapped his arms around Samantha holding her close as she sobbed against his chest.

"What about Davy?" Micky asked, holding Madison's hand tightly.

"He hasn't left her side." Mike answered. "Not for a minute. He hired a nurse to stay with the baby so he can be here."

Micky and Madison walked into Diana's room. She looked so peaceful, like she was sleeping. No one would have known the difference except for the tubes and machines beeping around her. Davy sat in a chair at her bedside holding her hair and softly humming.

"Davy?" Madison said just above a whisper.

He looked up and a soft smile came across his face. "I can't believe you're here."

"We wouldn't be anyplace else." Micky said as they hugged.

"We're so sorry, luv." Madison also hugged him tightly.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Davy went back to the side of the bed and took her hand. "My sweet Ana." He kissed it softly.


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