~If I Knew - Part 2~

The next 12 hours consisted of waiting and worrying. They each took turns sitting with Davy as he sat next to Diana, hardly ever letting go of her hand. He drank coffee to stay awake but they couldn't get him to eat anything. Mike was in the room with him when Diana slowly opened her eyes and he immediately called everyone else. They all gathered around her bed.

Davy eyes filled with tears as he looked into the eyes of his wife. "I love you, Ana." He gently stroked her hair. "Everything is going to be alright."

"I love you too so much." She whispered. "I wanted to say goodbye, I know I'm going to die."

Madison and Samantha both choked back their sobs. "No." Madison cried against Micky's shoulder.

She looked at all of them. "I want you to know how much I've loved being a part of this, of you. I couldn't ask for better brothers and sisters." She took a deep breath. "And I'm so happy that Hope will grow up knowing you." Tears glistened in her eyes. "I love you guys."

Mike walked over to her first, kissing her cheek gently; Micky and Peter followed him. When Samantha and Madison went to her, the three of them shared a hug that only sisters can share.

"Please don't go." Davy cried. "Don't leave me." He buried his head on her chest.

"Davy, please look at me." She ordered, taking his chin in her hand. "I'll always be with you." She put her hand over his heart. "And someday, we'll be together again." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Tell Hope how much her mommy loved her." Her voice was getting softer, her eyes closing. "I love you."

"I love you too, Ana. My sweet Ana." Davy sobbed the last words she would ever hear.

The only sound left was silence. Davy kissed her hand once more, then her cheeks and finally her lips. He ran from the room.

"We should go after him." Madison said, starting for the door. Her words were barely audible through her crying.

"No, doll." Micky took her in his arms, tears running down his cheeks. "When he's ready, we'll know."


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