~If I Knew - Part 4~

The next morning, Davy woke up in his own bed only he didn't remember how he got there. His head was rocking, his stomach churning and his jaw aching. He stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen. Micky and Madison were sitting at the table. "There's coffee." Madison said quietly.

"Good Lord, you scared me half to death." He hand leaped to his chest. "Where's Hope?"

"Sammi is upstairs feeding her." She answered. "Mike and Peter are still sleeping."

"How do you feel?" Micky asked.

"Like shit, thanks for asking." He gave him a dirty look. "You hit me last night, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did." Micky stated. "You deserved it."

"Look, Davy, we know you're hurting." Madison walked over and poured him a cup of coffee. "We're hurting too. We just want to help."

He grabbed the cup from her. "Well, you can't. Just leave me alone." He stormed out of the room and back upstairs.

"What are we going to do?" She walked over and sat down on Micky's lap wrapping her arms around his neck.

"We leave him alone, for now." He kissed her temple.


Davy slept on and off and didn't emerge from his bedroom until the next day. He couldn't ever remember being so tired in his life. It felt as if every ounce of strength had been drained out of him. The house was quiet so he tiptoed into Hope's nursery. She was awake and cooing to herself softly. He looked down at her and saw Diana's eyes looking back at him. She smiled, reaching her tiny arms up to him. Tears swelled in his eyes as he picked her up, cradling her against his chest. He sunk to the floor and sobbed against her.

Madison and Samantha watched from the doorway. They looked at each other and then went to him, sitting down on the floor. Samantha took Hope in her arms and Madison wrapped her arms around Davy. "It's going to be okay." Madison stroked his hair.

"Ana and I kissed for the first time in this room." He cried taking a deep breath. "It used to be my office but when Hope came along, we decided to make it her room because Ana always loved how the sunshine comes in here in the morning."

"It’s a beautiful room." Samantha said softly smiled down at Hope.

"If I had known that kissing her would mean falling in love with her and then loosing her, I wouldn't have done it." He held onto Madison tightly.

"Don't say that." She lifted his chin. "You and Diana had something so special. Something some people go through their whole lives without ever experiencing."

"And you created this beautiful little girl out of that love." Samantha reached over and touched his shoulder. "You haven't lost Diana, she's right here. Look at her."

Davy slowly pulled himself away from Madison and looked at his daughter. "How is she ever going to know how much her mom loved her? How much we both wanted her?"

"Because you're going to tell her." Peter interjected as he, Mike and Micky walked into the room. "And we're going to tell her."

"That's right." Micky agreed as they all sat down on the floor. "In fact, by the time we're done, she's be sick of hearing all the stories over and over again."

"And we all know how Micky loves to tell a story." Mike laughed.

Davy also laughed a little and then looked at each of them. "I don't know how I would get through this without you guys." He smiled. "Saying thank you just doesn't seem to cover it."

"Are you going to be okay?" Samantha asked.

He took Hope in his arms and gently kissed her. "We both are."

"Then that's all we need." Madison smiled.



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