~I'm A Believer - Part 2~

Mike arrived at the office before anyone else the morning after his return from New York. It had been an exhausting trip between the meetings, the interviews and thinking about Laura. Every time he thought about the kiss they shared, he cursed. Every time he thought about how he was beginning to feel about her, he cursed some more. He had to stop it, no matter how much he didn't want to. He couldn't fall for her. He couldn't risk being hurt again the way he had been with Samantha.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He looked up to see Laura standing in the doorway. "How was your trip?" She asked, a little too much cheerfulness in her voice.

"It went well." His smile came easily when he saw her until he caught himself. "Laura, we need to talk."

"I know." She shut the door and then crossed the room.

"I usually don't go around kissing my employees. In fact, you were the first one." He walked around and leaned on the front of the desk.

"But you don't want us to get involved because of our working relationship." She stated quietly.

"No, I mean, yes, that's only part of it." He fumbled. "The truth is I like you. I like you too much. I just can't get involved with anyone."

"Now or ever?"

"Ever." He said softly and looked down at the floor.

"So, you've already made up your mind not to give us a chance." She shot back at him coldly.

"I'm sorry." He couldn't look at the hurt in her eyes. "I want us to keep working together."

"I have no plans on leaving." She walked towards the door. "I love my job even if I don't like you right now." With that, she slammed it behind her.


It took a couple of weeks, but Mike and Laura found a way to work together. They both buried their feelings and became the utmost professionals with each other. That professionalism was about to be tested. Mike needed to go to California for both business and pleasure. He also needed to take Laura with him because it was going to be a rather long trip and he needed to stay as organized as possible.

"Michael!" Madison jumped into his arms practically the minute he stepped off the plane.

"Its great to see you, darlin'!" Mike hugged her tightly. He hadn't seen them much in the last 10 years and it felt good to be home even if it was only for a little while.

"Nez! You look good, old man." Micky joined them in the hug.

"You don't look too bad yourself." Mike laughed pulling Micky's ponytail. "And you are still one hot looking chick." He kept his arm around Madison and turned to Laura. "I'm sorry. This is my assistant, Laura Thomas. Laura, this is Madison and Micky Dolenz."

"I'm a big fan of both of you." Laura smiled shyly. "Its great to finally meet you."

"Its nice to meet you too." Madison smiled. "Mike tells us you’re the best assistant he's ever had."

"And that can't be easy." Micky chucked as the four of them made their way out of the airport.

"I try my best." Laura laughed and stole a quick glance at Mike. He was totally at ease with these people and she could tell that all the walls were broken down, at least for the moment.

Micky and Madison dropped them off at the hotel. They made arrangements to go for dinner that night and wouldn't take no for an answer from either Mike or Laura. In the elevator, Laura looked over at Mike and smiled. "What?" He had suddenly become uncomfortable.

"Nothing. Just wondering why the rest of us don't get to see that side of you." She kept on grinning as the doors opened again and she walked towards her room. "It's definitely better than that scowl you wear all the time." She winked. "Sexy too." With that, she unlocked the door and went in leaving him standing in the hallway, his mouth hanging open.


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