~I'm A Believer - Part 3~

Mike and Laura met Micky and Madison at Remo's that night. They had dinner in the main dining room and then drinks and conversation in the lounge. They talked about everything, from the kids to their careers. Laura heard a lot of old stories, ones she was sure Mike didn't want her to know about. When she heard him laugh, she thought her heart would swell with love. It was a rare sight to see him this way, one she wanted to savor for a long time.

"So?" Micky elbowed Mike when they walked to the bar.

"So what?" Mike questioned.

"You know what." Micky chuckled. "She's beautiful."

"I have no idea who you are talking about." Mike denied in a balled-face lie.

"Are you trying to tell me that you're not in love with Laura? The beautiful creature sitting over there with the legs up to her shoulders. The intelligent, witty woman with those eyes and those pouty lips." Micky looked at him like he was from another planet. "Not to mention the great butt and other amenities."

"If Maddie heard you talk like that, she would kick your ass." Mike laughed.

"I'm married, not dead. Besides, were not talking about me. We're talking about you."

"To answer your question, I am not in love with her. In fact, that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. She's my employee and possibly my friend, but that's all there is." Mike answered a little too quickly.

"Keep saying that, my friend. Maybe you'll even convince yourself one of these days." Micky took their drinks off the bar and walked back towards the table. For the second time that day, Mike was left with his mouth hanging open.


Meanwhile, Laura and Madison were having a little conversation of their own. "Maddie, can I ask you something?" Laura started.

"Sure." Madison smiled; knowing whatever it was it had to do with Mike.

"Has he always been hardheaded and completely infuriating?" Laura huffed.

"Yes." Madison stated firmly with a laugh. "Since the day I met him." She took a sip of wine. "He's always in charge of his emotions, especially in love." She looked at Laura and when Laura's eyes widened to the size of pancakes, she knew she hit the nail directly on the head.

"Does it show that much?" Laura blushed.

"I'm afraid so." She smiled. "Mike has always been as stubborn as a mule about everything. But those thick emotional walls didn't go up until after his divorce. He was hurt and betrayed by both his wife and his friend. He built those walls for protection and never looked back."

"Then there's nothing to be done." Laura sighed.

"I didn't say that." Madison continued. "I think the right woman could break them down if given half the chance. You just need to find the right brick." She looked up in time to see Micky coming back to the table. "Where's Mike?"

"He's up at the bar trying to convince himself of something." Micky roared with laughter.


Mike spent the next day with Robbie, Jr. and Maria. Robbie was 19 and studying music in college. Maria was 17 and a senior in high school. Since the divorce, he had spent every single Christmas and summer with them and it still amazed him that they weren't babies anymore; they were adults.

Over lunch, Maria looked directly at him with a sly smile. "So, Aunt Maddie says you're in love with your assistant."

Mike practically choked on his tuna salad. "She did what?"

"Yeah, dad." Robbie giggled. "When can we meet her?"

"I am not in love with her." Mike stated firmly. The image of strangling Micky came to mind.

"Come on dad, when was the last time you had a girlfriend?" Robbie pried.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I date occasionally." Mike defended.

"Oh really?" Maria looked at him the same exact way Samantha used to look at him when she didn't believe him.

"Well, maybe not recently because I've been busy. And why am I defending myself to you two." He snorted

"Face it, dad, the last serious girlfriend you had was mom." Robbie shot back.

"We just want you to be happy." Maria reached across the table and squeezed his hand. "Aunt Maddie says that this girl is really something special."

"She is." Mike whispered.


Laura answered the knock on the door and was surprised to find Mike standing on the other side. "Hi. I thought you were spending the day with your kids?"

"I am…I mean they're in the lobby waiting for me." He sounded flustered.

"Then why are you here?" She looked at him.

"I just wanted to see if you were free for dinner tonight. I thought we could go over the rest of this week's schedule or something."

"Yeah, that would be fine." She smiled.

"Good, that's good. I'll meet you in the lobby around seven." He quickly turned and went to the elevator.

Laura slowly closed the door and leaned against it. "Wonder what's up with him?" She asked herself.


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