~I'm A Believer - Part 4~

Mike stood in the lobby and checked his watch again. He couldn't understand why he was so nervous. After all, this was only a business dinner. Or was it? He looked up in time to see her round the corner and his heart stopped. She wore a mid-thigh purple dress, slinky and silky and tight in all the right places. Her hair was down cascading over her shoulders. Micky was right about one thing; she did have great legs.

Laura walked across the lobby. She tried to look casual by glancing down at the notebook she carried, but actually she was watching him. He wore a tight-fitting pair of jeans, a black dress shirt and a black sports coat. He looked amazing.

"Hi." She said shyly walking up to him.

"Hey." He smiled easily with just a touch of lust in his eyes. "I thought we could go back to Remo's." He put his hand on the small of her back and led her outside to the limo.

"That would be fine." She melted at his touch.


Dinner conversation was strictly business, each of them avoiding anything personal until there was a lull between dinner and dessert. Laura sipped her wine looking at him over her glass. When his eyes locked with hers, she set her glass down and quickly looked back at the notebook. "Anyway, your schedule is pretty open towards the end of the week. I'm sure you'll want to spend some more time with your kids."

Mike cleared his throat, "Yeah that would be great. Maybe you'd like to meet them."

"I'd really like that." She smiled looking up again.

"Are you as uncomfortable as I am?" He asked quickly.

"Yes." She answered with a sigh of relief. "What should we do about it?"

"I'm not sure." He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. "I want to kiss you again."

"Let's get out of here then." She linked her fingers with his.


They held hands in the limo all the way back to the hotel and then up to her room door. "Do you want to come in?" She asked softly looking up into his eyes.

He only nodded following her into the room. His lips were on her before the door had barely shut. It started as a slow gentle kiss and soon turned hot and hungry. His fingers tangled in her hair and her hands snaked up his chest and locked around his neck. She was drawing feelings out of him that he hadn't felt in over 15 years. Feelings of passion, desire, heat….and love. The blood pounded in his ears and the fear rose in his throat. He pulled away quickly, breathless and shattered.

"I…I have to go." He turned and fumbled with the doorknob.

"Michael, please don't go." She pleaded putting her hand on his shoulder.

He opened the door never looking back at her. "Good night, Laura." With that he was gone.


Laura paced the room for what seemed like hours. The anger and hurt building inside of her until she was ready to burst. She marched out of her room and pounded on Mike's door, not caring that it was past two in the morning. The first thing Mike noticed when he opened the door was the anger he saw in her eyes; the second thing was she was wearing bunny slippers.

She didn't give him time to say a thing but instead pushed him back into the room and slammed the door behind her. "You son of a bitch!" She poked him in the chest.

"Laura…" He started only to be cut off.

"No, you listen to me." Her voice was harsh but controlled. "How dare you say you want to kiss me and then run away. I'm done! You want to live in your gloomy little world and shut yourself off from life, that's just fine and dandy with me. But I won't watch you do it." She poked him again. "I can't stand here, loving you, and see that look in your eye. Knowing that you can't love me back…or worse, knowing that you won't love me back." She felt the tears starting but she held back. "Good bye, Michael." She stormed out of the room as quickly as she had stormed into it.


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