~I'm A Believer - Part 5~

When Mike called a little past eight that morning, Laura was less than thrilled. She hadn't slept much at all and didn't have the energy to go another round with him. He stated that he was coming over in an hour with breakfast and didn't give her a chance to argue before hanging up the phone. She slugged out of bed and into the shower hoping it would clear her head. Throwing on a pair of jeans and an oversized sweatshirt, she flipped on the television and waited. When she heard the knock on the door, her stomach fell and for just a second she thought of not answering it at all. Then it occurred to her that this was the stubborn, hardheaded Michael Nesmith and there was no way he would leave her alone until he had his say.

She opened the door and without saying a word, he pushed a cart into the room. It was filled with pastries and rolls, juice and coffee. He turned to her. "What, no bunny slippers this morning?" There was no humor in his voice but there was a hint of it in his eyes.

"I like to save my bunny slippers for the rare two o'clock in the morning yelling session." She smarted back. "What are you doing here, Michael?"

"I thought we could have breakfast while I tell you a story." He gestured to the tray. "If there's food in your mouth, you won't interrupt."

"Its not that I don't love a good story, but your day is full of appointments. Can't this wait?" She sat down next to the tray.

"I cancelled everything today. And no, it can't wait." He poured two cups of coffee and handed her one. Then sat down across from her. "Would you like to hear that story now?"

"Please…" She answered very intrigued.


Leaning forward, the coffee cup nested between his hands, he began, "Samantha and I were married for five years. We had everything, two beautiful children, a big house, friends, and family. And then one day we were divorced. For two years after that, I waited, knowing somewhere in my heart that she would come back to me. After all, she was my first love, the only woman I ever imagined being with, the one I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. It wasn't until I saw her in the hospital holding a baby. A baby that belonged to her new husband and my best friend. When I walked out of that room, I knew it was over and I knew I would never love anyone again."

Laura looked at him, tears shinning in her eyes. She felt her heart breaking as he told the story. She didn't know which was worse, the fact that he had been hurt badly or the fact that he could tell the story with little or no emotion in his voice. She went to say something, offer some words of comfort, but he only held up his hand stopping her.

"No interruptions, remember?" He gave a soft smile. "So, I immersed myself in my work. I created the record company and turned it into one of the best in the country. I spent time with my kids. I wrote songs that no one ever heard." He took a sip of his coffee. "This is not to say that I didn't date, because I did. But I never let it get serious; I never let it go beyond a couple of weeks. I grew out of being bitter until I just didn't feel anything at all." He looked at her now, his eyes locked on hers. "That is, until you came along."


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