~Heart & Soul - Part 1~

APRIL, 1999…

"Take the last train to Clarksville and I'll meet you at the station…" Micky sang into the microphone from behind the drums. The Monkees were practicing for their upcoming tour to promote their latest album. "You can be there…" He stopped suddenly.

"Did you forget the words, old man?" Mike laughed turning around and looking over the cymbal. His face dropped. "Micky?"

"Hey mate, you okay?" Davy asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Micky's voice sounded pained and his breathing seemed strained. "I just need some water." He stood and walked towards the small refrigerator they kept in Mike's basement recording studio. Halfway there, he collapsed to the floor, his right hand grasping his chest.

"Micky!!" Peter exclaimed and ran, dropping down to his side. "What's wrong, Mick?"

"My chest hurts and I can't breathe." He gasped.

"Mike, go call 911!" Peter ordered and then turned back to Micky. "Just hang on, buddy."


"What happened? Where is he?" Madison asked panicky. Mike hadn't told her anything over the phone except to come to the hospital because something had happened to Micky. She had raced there, a million thoughts running through her head and none of them good.

"He collapsed during practice." Mike softly explained taking her by the shoulders. "The doctors are with him now." Peter and Davy walked up behind her for support.

"Oh God." She let out a shaky breath. "He can't die. They can't let him die."

"Maddie, don't talk like that. Micky is not going to die." Mike said firmly giving her shoulders a slight shake. "For all we know, it was the chili he had for lunch. You have to calm down."

"Mike is right." Peter rubbed her back. "I'm sure the doctor will be out soon. Let's go sit down."


Within the hour, Samantha, Laura and the Dolenz kids arrived. George, Sarah, Jake and Christopher immediately went to their mom. "How is he?" Samantha asked Mike and Peter.

"We don't know anything yet." Peter answered, wrapping his arm around his wife.

"What about Maddie?" Laura asked, looking up at Mike worriedly. Since her and Mike had been together, she and Madison had become good friends.

"For now, she's holding it together." He looked over at Madison who was being swarmed in her children's arms.


Another hour passed and still there was no word on Micky's condition. "I can't stand this!" Madison exclaimed, rising out of the chair and walking away.

Mike rose to follow her, but Davy stopped him. "Let me." Mike gave him a knowing nod and Davy followed her out of the waiting room.

"Hey, luv." He found her in the hall looking out the window and wrapped his arm around her.

"If something happens to him…" She leaned into his arm.

"I know, luv." He rubbed her arm. "I know."

"You really do understand how I feel, don't you?" She looked at him.

"It’s the worst feeling in the world." He nodded. "But you have to think positive. Micky is strong, he's going to pull through this."

"I just wish they would tell us something, anything." She turned back to look out the window.

"Maddie!" Mike came into the hallway. "The doctor is here."

Madison said a quick, silent prayer and with Davy holding her hand for strength, went into the waiting room to meet with the doctor.


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