~Heart & Soul - Part 2~

"Mrs. Dolenz, my name is Dr. Gold." He held out his hand for her to take. "Would you like to come to my office and I can fill you in on your husband's condition?"

Madison took his hand and shook it. "No. Please just tell me here. These people are our family and I would like them to know what's going on."

"Alright then." Dr. Gold gestured for everyone to sit down. "Your husband has had a small heart attack."

Madison gasped, Davy held her hand tighter and Mike squeezed her shoulder. "Is he going to be okay?" She asked fearfully.

"Yes, there was no damage done to the heart. With a change in diet and exercise, he shouldn't have any more problems and will probably die of old age." The doctor smiled. "We're going to keep him and do a few more tests tomorrow and he should be released the next day."

"Can we see him, doc?" Mike asked.

"Of course, but only 2 people at a time." Dr. Gold stood up. "I'll be in to check on him later."

"Thank you, doctor." Madison said in a quiet voice.


Madison walked into Micky's hospital room. The others had decided that she should be the first to see him. She had already decided to be strong and not show him how scared she really was.

"You'll do anything to spend time with pretty nurses, won't you?" She smiled brightly and walked over to his bed.

Micky opened his eyes. "Hey doll." His voice sounded tired.

"The doctor says you can go home the day after tomorrow." She ran her fingers through his hair.

"Good." He sighed and looked up at her. "I'm sorry if I scared you."

"I'm just happy you're alright." She felt a lump in her throat and looked away quickly. "You've got a lot of visitors. I'll go so you can visit with them and then I'll come back later." She brushed her lips across his temple. "Behave yourself and do what the doctor says."

"I will, doll." He smiled, trying not to show how hurt he was that she was leaving. "I love you."

"I love you too. Get some rest." And with that she was gone.


"Hey mate, how ya feeling?" Davy and Mike walked into the room.

"Like a science experiment. I've been poked and prodded so much I'm beginning to feel like a stuck pig."

"You gave us quite a scare, Dolenz." Mike said sternly.

"It certainly wasn't planned." Micky replied. "Sorry."

"Just don't do it again." He ordered. "I don't want to have to make a call like that to Maddie ever again."

"She didn't seem to upset when she was in here before." He said disappointedly.

Mike and Davy looked at each other. "I think she did that for your benefit." Davy answered. "Before we knew that you were going to be okay, she was scared. I've never seen her so scared. And I'm pretty sure she's still scared that something might go wrong and she'll lose you."

"I wish she would have told me."

"You know Maddie." Mike chimed in. "She didn't want you worrying about her."

"I just want to get out of here and then neither one of us has to worry."


Micky was released from the hospital two days later. "Man, its good to be home." He gave a happy sigh. "Where are the kids? I thought they would be here."

"They wanted to be but I told them they could wait a couple of days. Right now, you need quiet and rest." Madison took his arm and led him upstairs. "Towards the end of the week you can have visitors."

"Doll, I feel fine." He protested as she gently pushed him towards the bed.

"I'm sure you do, but you still need rest. The doctor said so." She pulled down the covers. "Get in bed and I'll bring you some lunch in a little while."

"Why don't you join me?" He sat down and patted the spot next to him.

"I don't think so. In fact, until you are feeling better, I'll be sleeping in the guestroom. This way you'll get plenty of rest." She covered him up and kissed the top of his head. "I have a ton of work. I'll check on you in a little bit." She left the room in a hurry.

"But I am feeling better." Micky said quietly to an empty room and wondered why his wife was acting so distant and cold.


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