~Mommy & Daddy - Part 1~


"Hey, Jake, where's your mom?" Micky asked his youngest son.

"She's upstairs, daddy." Jake answered looking up from the picture he was drawing.

Micky looked at the picture. "That's good, son." He gave a proud smile, tousled his hair and then headed upstairs.

"Doll?" He called walking into the bedroom. Madison was sitting on the window seat staring out at the ocean.

She looked over at him and gave a soft smile. "Hey."

"I know that look." He pointed his finger and sat down next to her. "What's wrong?"

"Not wrong, just mind blowing." She took his hand. "I'm pregnant."

Micky stared at her letting the words sink in, until a huge smile came across his face. "Mind blowing but wonderful." He leaned forward and they shared a soft lingering kiss. "You are happy about this, aren't you?"

"Of course I'm happy." She looked back out the window. "I'm also scared. I'm going to be 39 years old when this baby is born."

"Which means I'm going to be 40." He looked suddenly stunned.


"Well, that doesn't exactly make us old." He laughed. "Remember, age only matters if you're cheese."

"I'll remind you that you said that during the two o'clock feedings." She laughed and then looked at him. "I guess its not just our age that I'm worried about. What are the kids going to say? We've got two teenagers and another one fast approaching. They might not take this news so well."

"They also might surprise us." He brushed the hair from her face. "We've got three pretty great kids, ya know."

"That's true. After all, I am their mother." he laughed.

"Hey!" He objected with a chuckle and pulled her into his arms. "I love you, doll."

"I love you too, Mick."


After dinner that night, Micky called a family meeting so they could tell the kids the good news. Madison watched her children as they settled into the family room.

First, there was Mac, although now he preferred to be called George. At 15, the resemblance to his father was overwhelming. He was almost as tall as Micky and they shared most of the same facial features. He had also inherited Micky's musical talent being able to play both the drums and the guitar. Most of all, he had inherited his father's wit and his mother's stubbornness.

Next was 12 year old Sarah. She was already beautiful with long curly reddish-blonde hair and Madison's bright eyes. She also had Micky's wit but not as much of Madison's hard-headedness, although when provoked she could be fiery. She had her mother's love of books and her ability to express herself in words.

Finally, there was 9 year old Jake. Unlike his older brother and sister, and his parents for that matter, Jake was quiet and shy. He was good in school and talented when it came to art.

"We've got some great news." Micky announced.

"What is it, dad?" George asked.

"Your mom is going to have a baby!" He smiled putting his hands on Madison's shoulders.

The room was absolutely silent. Madison looked up at Micky and then back at them. "Somebody say something." She ordered quietly.

"How could you let this happen?!" George was the first to explode. "First, you make us move to England, away from all our friends and family. Then, just as we've finally settled in and really started to like it there, you make us move back home. And now you're going to bring some squalling brat into this house!"

"Hey, watch what you say!" Micky's voice was full of anger.

"George is right, dad!" Sarah spoke up. "I hope you don't expect us to help with this kid."

"Alright, I've heard enough!" Micky stormed. "Your mother and I are very happy about this baby and while we don't expect you to be thrilled, we do expect your respect and corporation."

"Why don't we talk about this later." Madison covered Micky's hands with her own, her voice full of disappointment. "Go finish your homework."

Both George and Sarah gave disgusted sighs and left the room. Jake stayed where he was being quiet as usual.

"Jake, do you have anything to say?" Madison asked quietly.

"I don't think having a new baby will be so bad." He answered.

"No, why not?" Micky smiled.

"Because I'll finally get to be a big brother." He smiled.

Madison went and hugged him tightly. "You're going to be a great big brother."


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