~Mommy & Daddy - Part 2~

"How are you feeling, Maddie?" Dr. Bator asked.

"Fat!" Madison laughed holding Micky's hand. It was her sixth month checkup.

"That's good." The doctor laughed. "Would you like to see your baby now?"

"Yes!" Micky exclaimed. He still couldn't believe he was actually going to see their baby before it was born. This technology wasn't available when their other children was born. In fact, this was the first time he was going to be in the delivery room when it was time for their child to be born.

He watched as Dr. Bator rubbed gel all over Madison's stomach and then moved the ultrasound wand over the gel. She smiled and pointed to the small television screen next to the bed. They could see their baby moving around inside of Madison. Micky held her hand tighter; his thumb absently stroking her knuckles and his face completely lit up.

"Would you like to know the sex of your baby?" Dr. Bator asked.

Micky and Madison both looked at each other and smiled. "Yes." Madison answered.

The doctor watched the screen and moved the wand around on Madison's stomach until she was satisfied with the results. "Looks like you had better pick out a boy's name."

Micky gave out a whopping yell and kissed Madison passionately. Madison laughed and wound her arms around his neck. "Sarah and I are definitely outnumbered now."


Madison was standing in front of the full-length mirror when Micky quietly walked into their bedroom. She lifted her shirt and ran a hand over her swelling stomach. He walked up behind her and placed his hand over hers. "Did you tell the kids?" She looked at him in the mirror.

He nodded and placed a kiss on her shoulder. "Jake was thrilled."

"What about George and Sarah?" She asked. She knew was his answer was going to be but hoped for something better. Since they had told them about the baby, they had both tried to completely ignore the fact that Madison was pregnant.

Micky shook his head and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "They will come around eventually, doll."

"By that time, he could be in college." Madison said sadly.

He looked into her eyes in the mirror. "I don't think you've ever looked so beautiful." He ran his hands over her stomach and nuzzled her neck.

"I think we better get you to the eye doctor." She turned around and looked up at him. "I'm huge!"

"You are not huge." He laughed. "You're pregnant and beautiful." He kissed her, his fingers running through her hair and down her back. "I love you, doll." He whispered, his tongue tracing her lips.

She moaned at his touch, "I love you too, Micky."

Picking her up in his arms, he took her to the bed and carefully set her down. It didn't take long before they were naked and entwined in each other's arms. He caressed every inch of her body, his fingers lighting her skin on fire. She arched underneath him, opening herself to him. They had been together for almost 20 years, yet every time they made love it was a new and exciting experience. He made her feel beautiful, young and so loved. He entered her slowly, his arms wrapping around her holding her close, his face buried in her hair. He drove them both long and deep waiting until their release could not longer be denied.


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