~Mommy & Daddy - Part 3~

George, Sarah and Jake sat around the kitchen table doing their homework while Madison started dinner. George looked up when he heard the small gasp and whimper his mother made. But when she dropped the frying pan and crouched to the floor holding her abdomen, he ran to her.

"Mom?" He knelt down next to her.

"Get your dad!" She ordered tears of pain and worry filling her eyes.

"Sarah, go get dad. Now!" George shouted at his sister. Sarah took off for Micky's office. "Sarah went to get dad." George placed his hand on Madison's back. She was doubled over now in pain.

"Doll!" Micky skidded on his knees next to her. "What is it?"

Madison looked up at him, her face wet with tears and her eyes full of terror. "It’s the baby." She let out another pained gasp. "Something is wrong!"

Micky picked her up in his arms cradling her against his chest. "George, call Dr. Bator. Her number is right next to the phone. Tell her to meet us at the hospital right away." He looked at his three children and saw how afraid they were. "Everything is going to be alright." He assured before taking Madison out the door quickly and to the hospital.

What Micky didn't know and left the kids feeling more afraid that ever, was the blood on the kitchen floor where Madison had been.


Nurses bombarded Micky with questions while Madison screamed in pain. "Damn it!! Someone help my wife!" He bellowed standing at her side. "Its okay, doll." He said gently stroking her hair.

Dr. Bator rushed in dressed in scrubs. "Micky, what happened?"

"I don't know. She collapsed at home." Micky replied desperately.

"Doctor, she's lost a lot of blood." One of the nurses said.

"Maddie, we're going to do everything we can." Dr. Bator gave Madison's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I can't loose this baby!" Madison cried. "It hurts so much." She tried to roll on her side and draw her knees up but the nurses held her down.

Micky was allowed to stay with Madison even though Dr. Bator had to perform an emergency c-section. The premature baby was immediately taken away to be examined and put in an incubator.

Madison was then taken to surgery to stop the internal bleeding. Micky was escorted to the waiting room where he found Peter, Samantha and Davy sitting with George, Sarah and Jake.

"Is mom okay?" George was the first one at his side.

"She will be." Micky wrapped his arm around his oldest son.

"What about the baby?" Samantha asked carefully.

"I don't know." Micky shook his head sadly. "He's almost 2 months early and he's so tiny."

"This is all your fault!!" Jake screamed at his brother and sister. "You should have been nicer. You never wanted a new brother. I hate both of you!" He took off running down the hallway.

Micky went to go after him. "Jake, son." He called but Peter stopped him.

"I'll go after him." Peter said giving Micky's shoulder a squeeze. "You stay here. Maddie will need you when she comes out."

"Thanks, man." Micky smiled.

Peter walked by George and Sarah on his way out of the waiting room. They were sitting together on the couch both with their heads handing low. "Everything is going to work out." He said quietly giving both of them a gentle pat on the back.


Peter found Jake in the hospital chapel. He was sitting in the front row with his hands neatly folded on his lap. Peter quietly slipped into the back pew and listened.

"God, its me, Jake Dolenz." Jake started out loud. "My little brother was born today, but he's real sick. And so is my mom. She was bleeding a lot and dad is worried." He took a breath. "God, they need your help. Could you please make them better? I really want a little brother. I promise to be nice to him. I won't ever beat him up or tease him." He took another deep breath. "And if you help my mom, I promise to clean my room and take out the trash without be asked." He stopped for a moment to think. "Well, that's all God. Thank you and amen."

Peter smiled and walked to the front of the chapel. "Can I sit down, pal?"

Jake looked up surprised and then nodded. "Hi Uncle Peter."

"You feel better?"

"A little." Jake put his head on Peter's shoulder. "How's my mom and the baby?"

"Your mom is going to be just fine. In fact, I bet you'll be able to see her soon."

"You think my baby brother is going to die, don't you?" Jake asked sadly.

"I don't know, pal. But I do know that everything happens for a reason. And being mad at your older brother and sister isn't going to help." He put his arm around him. "Your mom and dad need you right now."

"I know." Jake sighed. "Can we go see my mom now, Uncle Peter."

"Sure thing, pal." Peter smiled and hugged him.


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