~Mommy & Daddy - Part 5~

"Hey." Madison wandered into Micky's office and leaned against his desk.

"Hey, yourself, doll." He stood and rounded the desk, putting his hands on her shoulders. "I thought you were sleeping."

"I can't sleep." She sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Maybe we should go back to the hospital."

"No." Micky said firmly tightening his arms around her. "We've been there non-stop for over a week and Dr. Bator said you needed to rest. She promised to call if anything changed."

"I just feel so helpless. He isn't getting any better."

"But he isn't getting any worse, which is a good sign." He lifted her chin. "Let's try to get some sleep." She nodded and together they went up to bed. Both of them knew that sleep wouldn't come easily, if at all.


Dr. Bator called at 3:00 a.m. waking them both from restless dreams. When Micky hung up the phone and looked over at Madison, she could see the fear in his eyes. "What is it?"

"She wants us to come to the hospital right away." He said quietly running his hand through his hair.

"Oh God." She breathed, slowly climbing out of bed.


JUNE 12, 1986…

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Christopher. Happy birthday to you."

"Blow out the candles, son." Micky urged happily.

"The suspense is killing me." Jake stood up and leaned over the cake, ready to blow.

"Don't you dare!" Madison scolded, bouncing Christopher on her knee. "Let him do it. You only have your first birthday once."

"Oh, all right." Jake sighed and sat back down.

"Come on, Chris. Blow them out."

Christopher giggled and then blew out the candles, with some help from everyone around the table.

Madison dished out pieces of cake to everyone at the party. She laughed, watching Christopher squish cake through his fingers getting more on his face than actually into his little mouth.

"Hey, doll." Micky walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

She leaned back against him covering his hands with her own. "I never thought we'd be standing here watching him." She choked back the happy tears.

"Neither did I." He squeezed her a little tighter. "But I wouldn't have changed anything that happened." He pointed out in front of her. "Look."

Together they watched Sarah help Christopher down from the table. They ran off and joined Jake in tackling their oldest brother, George. The four of them rolled around on the ground laughing and playing. Madison's pregnancy might have been a trial on the family, but Christopher's birth brought the siblings together.

"Neither would I." Madison sighed happily as her and Micky continued to watch their children.



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