~Let's Dance On - Part 3~

The guys all looked at each other and laughed, then walked to the stage much to the agreement of everyone in the room.

"You win, doll, we'll play." Micky smiled.

"I'm your biggest fan, baby." Madison handed over the drumsticks and kissed him.

Davy took the tambourine from his daughter. "Your mom would be real proud of you."

"She'd be proud of you too, daddy." Hope threw her arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss.

"I knew those guitar lessons would pay off sooner or later." Mick took the guitar from Robbie, Jr. and strapped it on.

"I learned from the best, dad." Robbie shook his dad's hand proudly.

"You are in big trouble, my love." Peter shook his finger at Samantha with a smile.

"It's worth it." She kissed him and then stepped to the microphone. "And now, The Monkees!!" She exclaimed.


Micky counted them off just like the old days and they went on to play a three song set starting with "Last Train to Clarksville", then "Sometime in the Morning" and ending with "Circle Sky". It was like they had never stopped playing together. The energy level in the room skyrocketed. Madison, Samantha and Laura swooned at seeing them on stage once again. When they finished, the room exploded with cheers and applause. The four of them shared a group hug, something that hadn't been done in over 15 years. The girls joined them, followed by the kids, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house.


"So, what happens now?" Madison asked. All the guests were gone and the older kids had taken the younger ones to a movie. It was just the seven of them sitting around the kitchen picking at the leftovers.

"I don't know, doll." Micky answered pulling her onto his lap. "It did feel good though."

"That it did, mate." Davy smiled. "Really good, like old times." He received nods of agreement from both Peter and Mike.

"Then maybe you should get back together." Samantha spoke up. "I didn't think this was such a good idea when Maddie first cooked it up, but after seeing the four of you together again, it just seemed so right."

"It would never work. Too much has happened. Too much time has passed." Mike poured himself another cup of coffee and sat down.

"Not to the fans. I grew up on your music, and hearing you play tonight brought back all those memories." Laura started excitedly. "If you got back together, all the old fans would come back and bring a whole new generation with them."

"She's got a good point." Davy agreed.

"But what about us." Peter gestured to the four of them. "A lot happened between us."

"Don't you think enough time has passed to heal those wounds?" Madison asked.

"You never give up, do you?" Micky laughed wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Nope." She smiled. "Not when I see something good. This is good." Now it was her turn to gesture to the four them. "You were the best 15 years ago. No one could touch you. You can do it again." Both Samantha and Laura nodded. "We believe in you."

"And now, it's up to you to decide." Samantha stood. Laura and Madison followed her out of the room.


Madison, Samantha and Laura sat in Madison's office for the next hour and waited. They knew the final decision regarding The Monkees had to come from The Monkees themselves. The door opened and Micky, Mike, Peter and Davy walked in, all with smiles on their faces.

"Well?" Madison asked carefully. "The suspense is killing us."

"If we get laughed off stage, we're blaming the three of you." Micky answered.

"Does that mean?" Samantha looked from Peter to Mike and back to Peter again.

"Yep." Mike drawled wrapping his arm around Laura's shoulders. "It seems The Monkees are back together again."


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